Document Type : Research Paper
Cities are the pinnacle of human civilization and urban centers are the heart of cities. Urban centers are special areas within cities which have witnessed historical trend of upheavals and are a result of a profound connection between the territory and its inhabitants, a connection which reflects the whole society itself, linking the changes of the human community to the central limits of the city. When modernization came to Iran, the city became a reasonable place and urbanism changed to a desirable style of living. Urban centers in Iran have not only been close to modernistic changes but also have experienced the highest scale of urban changes and problems. Zanjan city as a city which has not been far from recent changes is a clear example of undesirable and unwanted changes in the center of a city. Lack of adaptation to the new style of living in the old and historical structure of the center of Zanjan city is a problem which has resulted in numerous undesirable events in the existing space and structure. The existence of a close and intricate link between the numerous problems related to the city center is like a puzzle, the right solution to which is in a solution different from the current trend. Multilateral links between the capabilities and opportunities of this area with a glance at the existing undesirable status is an idea which again challenges the definition of what has occurred. In this regard, Strategic Thinking Approach was used as a strong approach with such characteristics as creativity and logical thinking in the process of strategy development for analyzing and identifying issues and problems. Among the numerous models propounded, the Iranian model of Ghaffarian & Kiani was used to achieve the strategic thinking needed for analyzing the spatial-physical structure of the limits of Zanjan city center. The objective for selecting such an approach was to assess and identify important factors creating problems within the physical spatial structure of the city. The research purpose, method of evaluation, and collecting the findings was accomplished through library research, surveys and questionnaires. The survey sample size was 153 people selected among Zanjan citizens. The analysis of the obtained data was carried out using descriptive and analytical methods of AHP and Fishbone. The results of the research demonstrate that the factors which created issues and problems in the central area of Zanjan city were, in order of importance, traffic, shortage of parking space per capita, shortage of entertainment, recreational, and cultural facilities per capita as well as lack of free time enjoyed by people. In terms of eliminating each of the aforesaid problems, traffic associated with the influence of other problems and difficulties requires the most effort. By eliminating the identified problems and difficulties using the Strategic Thinking approach, the central limits of Zanjan city will enjoy the maximum benefits resulting from the identified opportunities in this area. We also conclude that Strategic Thinking approach has considerable capacities for analyzing the spatial-physical structure of the central area of Zanjan city.
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