Document Type : Research Paper
Increasing populations in third-world cities of and consequently increasing use of fossil fuels and intense traffic have caused these cities to encounter various problems. Nowadays, transport is one of the most important factors determining the existence and development of cities. Almost all cities are under the pressure of traffic congestion. Traffic congestion results in numerous social conflicts, is not in harmony with the natural environment, and is the main source of most transportation problems. Car-based transport has a wide range of negative impacts upon society and the environment, such as air pollution, congestion, noise pollution, road accidents, and extensive land use for roads and parking facilities. Pursuing sustainable mobility, particularly in urban areas, has become a priority objective of national and global policies in the transport and environmental fields. In addition to communication and the development of reliable, comfortable and secure public modes of transport, the optimization of pedestrian and urban paths is one of the main useful tools for achieving sustainable urban mobility. Bicycles with such unique advantages as low cost, absence of fossil fuel consumption, less traffic, and lack of negative impacts on environment, is more and more considered as a complement to other vehicles than the past. One of the most typical alternatives which is provided by experts for permanent development of cities, is the increased usage of bicycles. The purpose of this study is the consideration of the elements which affect citizen's unwillingness for using bicycles for travelling throughout Ardabil. The present study has used library and field methods for data collection. In order to analyze the obtained data, colmogrove – smirnove, Variance, Scheffe, Independent T, and Kruskal–Wallis test were used with SPSS software. Survey findings showed that, insufficient advertisement in the media, lack of a cycling culture, female cycling disproportionate with cultural conditions of the community are the most significant factors, in the order mentioned, which affect citizens lack of interest in using bicyles within the city of Ardabil. Cool climatic conditions and lack of proper infrastructure for cycling in Ardabil are also considered as other barriers to using bicycles. In addition, the survey illustrated that the less educated, low-income and men cycled more compared to the highly educated, high income and women in urban areas. There was not a significant difference in the use of bicycles in urban travels between regions in Ardabil; however, there was a higher usage of bicyles in regions one and two than in regions three and four. Obtained results indicate that according to respondents’ viewpoints, cultural factors had a more prominent role in the unwillingness of citizens to use bicycles in urban trips compared with other factors. This issue indicates that if the relevant authorities encourage citizens to use bicycle in urban travels through advertisements, despite the lack of infrastructure and cold weather, bicycle usage will increase. Therefore, the survey showed importance of the promotion of the cycling culture in all society. Finally, some recommendations are presented for encouraging citizens’ use of bicycles for travelling throughout the city.
Main Subjects
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