Document Type : Research Paper
Redeveloping a brownfield land as an urban project, needs some qualitative considerations due to their complex and multidimensional identity. Hitherto, experts of brownfield redevelopment sector have introduced many quantitative and qualitative considerations in their research and actions. The subject of this study considers the qualitative aspects that have been introduced by different experts. Some important considerations that have been appointed include integrated planning, innovation, selection and composition of appropriate final land use, survey of socio-economic and service conditions of adjacent regions, attention to historical and environmental conditions of land, maintenance and expansion of existing infrastructure and buildings, establishment of conditional, temporary and short-time land uses. The problem that this study investigated was how to organize and prioritize these considerations for assessing the quality of brownfield redevelopment projects in Iran. Based on this question, providing a framework for introducing a series of qualitative considerations in brownfield redevelopment projects for internal experts was determined as a study goal. This framework can facilitate the assessment of Iran brownfield redevelopment projects. This research was an applicable research and used descriptive-analytical method and AHP technique. The required data for the first part of constructing a “quality assessment framework” was gathered through library survey of identified research related to brownfield redevelopment (52 cases were considered). In addition, the data for the second part of the research (namely the application of the proposed framework on Dooshan Tappeh airbase as a case study) was extracted from the Tehran Master Plan and detailed map of region 13. Organization and prioritization of identified considerations was identified in three sectors (substantive, procedural and executive) and on three scales (land, surrounding area and city) and ultimately a framework was created. This framework includes 25 types of qualitative considerations that can be used in assessment of Iran brownfield redevelopment projects. These considerations were introduced from 14 different sources. It is understood from this qualitative assessment framework that the quality of a redevelopment plan requires at least three separate actions. First, preparing a redevelopment plan that leads to sustainable development of brownfield land and its surrounding regions. This consideration should be based on the preparation and implementation of redevelopment project processes. This consideration can prevent the failure of a project and decrease the risk of reproducing of brownfield land or accelerate the deterioration cycle. Second, the integration of the redevelopment plan with other related plans of brownfield land and its peripheral boundary. This consideration can reduce the risk of future conflicts and waste of human, financial or time capital. Thirdly, the preparation of a redevelopment plan according to the condition and development priority of brownfield land amongst other brownfield lands in on a regional and urban scale. This consideration should be taken into consideration by urban authorities or project designers in particular. Advantages of this consideration are the prevention of capabilities waste and debarment of excessive pressure on a site. Applying the proposed framework in redevelopment programs in Dooshan Tapped airbase revealed that although there has been sufficient attention paid tosubstantive considerations in enacted programs, qualitative considerations regarding procedural and executive sectors have been weak because of ignorance or lack of relevance.
Main Subjects
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