Urban Planning
n r; n s
Volume 4, Issue 14 , May 2015, Pages 5-18
Pubic space is a mixture of physical milieu of various activities with the purpose of showing social life visible for all. All parts of an urban fabric which are accessible physically and visually for all are considered as public space. They are the most important part of towns and cities in which ...
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Pubic space is a mixture of physical milieu of various activities with the purpose of showing social life visible for all. All parts of an urban fabric which are accessible physically and visually for all are considered as public space. They are the most important part of towns and cities in which the greatest amount of contact and interaction among people take place. In public spaces, existence of users is not the only sign of success, a successful public space attracts different levels of activity. Whyte reminds us that: “The best-used places are sociable places, with a higher proportion of couples than you find in less-used places, more people in groups, more people meeting people, or exchanging goodbye. A high proportion of people in groups is an index of selectivity. When people go to a place in two or three or rendezvous there, it is most often because they have decided to. Nor are these sociable places less congenial to the individual. In absolute numbers, they attract more individuals than do less-used spaces”. The best-used places also tend to have a higher than average proportion of women. If a plaza has a markedly lower than average proportion of women, something is wrong. Where there is a higher than average proportion of women, the plaza is probably a good one and has been chosen as such. The condition that various cities, including Iranian cities, are confronted with makes the creation of successful public space a necessity. It is clear that for creating suitable public space, first, we should understand the factors influencing space and simultaneously solve and improve the problems through understanding the environment. Successful urban spaces should be responsible for their clients and be designed and managed to fulfill the needs of their users. Awareness of the needs, preferences of people and the space design by considering these requirements is one of the most important factors in attracting people and the success of public spaces. Studies conducted in different countries, consider the behavior of people in large cities very similar to each other, while based on this claim, the similarity between the people who live in small towns with the same nationality is much lower. In this article, as per the main goal of the research, a comparison of the effective factors in the success of public space in the minds and functional behavior of citizens in Ankara and Tehran with an emphasis on public space planning system is made. The indicators of a successful public space were extracted from the most important theorists’ points of views. Important theorists of successful public space such as White, Montgomery, Jacobs, Gehl, Carr, and Oldenburg, and the experience of famous international institutes are reviewed. Finally, a model for space evaluation based on place game model of PPS institute was presented in four dimensions. The indicators of these four dimensions -access and linkage, activity, comfort and image, and sociability- were estimated for selected statistical communities in Ankara & Tehran. The results of the research validate the assumption of similarity for preferences and needs of people in large cities. In addition, the findings indicate that there is little difference between the mental and functional behavior and spaces that citizens functionally prefer to attend at leisure time also corresponds to their mental preference. In public space planning systems, Ankara has been more successful than Tehran and on the national and local scale the same vision of planning is employed; they have a more coherent approach. Planning on a national scale to attract tourists, proposing Ankara as a Universal city and attempting to put it among European countries are the reasons that have improved public space quality in Ankara even though there is not any independent planning for public places in this city as is the case in Tehran.
Urban Design
Mina Kashani Hamedani
Volume 4, Issue 14 , May 2015, Pages 19-30
Urban space is the context in which the activities and different perception of users take place; but various users such as different age groups have dissimilar perceptions of environment. It seems that the built environment and particularly urban space as the product of work of urban planners, urban ...
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Urban space is the context in which the activities and different perception of users take place; but various users such as different age groups have dissimilar perceptions of environment. It seems that the built environment and particularly urban space as the product of work of urban planners, urban designers and architects, does not necessarily consider the real variety of users and through this fact, aesthetic aspect of urban environment does not fulfill their needs fairly. Overlapping of the two domains of environmental psychology and urban aesthetics on the one hand and the diverse psychological characteristics in different age groups on the other hand confirm the necessity of this research. The need for studying urban aesthetics is re-affirmed also from a statistical point of view. In 2010 demographics, out of seven billion of the world’s population, approximately 1.2 billion were children between the ages of 5 and 14. This figure is approximately 17.4 percent of the total world population or one-fifth. The same statistics is shown in Iran where there were roughly 11 million children (5-14 age range) from the total population of 74 million in 2010 which is approximately 15 percent and or one-sixth of the total population. These official statistics are demonstrate the importance children in different fields generally and especially in urban design and urban aesthetic. Studying urban aesthetics from the viewpoint of particular users of urban space like children with different psychological characteristics leads to an introduction to urban aesthetics which is trying to find the answer to the research question. The objective is to identify the aesthetic preferences of children in their surrounding environment, especially in urban spaces. However, there were some limits in this study; the most important limiting factor was the lack of detailed information regarding the social and cultural environment of the statistical sample which could explain differences in children’s points of views. Thus, examining urban spaces from an aesthetic perspective is important because their users have different aesthetic perceptions and urban spaces are not necessarily responsive for all kinds of users. This research answers the following questions: which environmental aesthetic preferences can be recognized in different groups of children and adults, and what are the priorities of related variables in different groups. There are two major approaches to the study of aesthetics, empirical and philosophical. This research is based on the empirical approach according to the importance of visual aspects in urban design. This research has studied the signification of three groups conforming to Santayana’s classification of environmental aesthetics which consists of three categories of emotional, formal and symbolic. The research is applied and descriptive-analytic. Data was collected from library study based on documentary research as well as field observations and children’s drawings. Based on Cochran's C test, 750 effective questionnaires were dispensed in Isfahan city which is the figure for the statistical population. The results were analyzed by Likert-Scale and SPSS software. The findings indicate certain differences exist between the various age groups in their preferences of aesthetic priority and in the importance of formal variables from the viewpoint of children. Of the three mentioned categories of environmental aesthetics, the formal category was most frequently preferred by children.
Urban Ecology
h m; gh kh
Volume 4, Issue 14 , May 2015, Pages 31-46
Fast and uncontrollable growth of urbanization causes loss of agricultural lands and orchards; it leads to a decrease in green areas and open spaces and causes heavy traffic and environmental pollution. Therefore, an essential step in urban planning, management and evaluation of its effects is to simulate ...
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Fast and uncontrollable growth of urbanization causes loss of agricultural lands and orchards; it leads to a decrease in green areas and open spaces and causes heavy traffic and environmental pollution. Therefore, an essential step in urban planning, management and evaluation of its effects is to simulate the physical development of the city. In order to keep ecosystems functioning well, it is necessary for environmental researchers, managers, and decision makers to understand the spatial dynamics of an ecosystem. Importantly, remotely sensed imagery provides an efficient means of obtaining information on temporal trends and spatial distribution of urban areas needed for understanding, modeling, and projecting land change. The aim of this study is to understand the parameters of physical development at Bonab city with regard to sustainable spatial development of urban issues from ecological and environmental viewpoint in the next two decades. Change detection is an important process for monitoring and managing natural resources and urban development because it provides quantitative analysis of spatial distribution in the area of interest. Detection of changes in land use/ land cover involves use of at least two period data sets. Using Landsat 5 multi temporal satellite images and object oriented techniques, application changes of the lands in 1984-2011 period was evaluated with emphasis on Sprawl expansion of Bonab urban area and its scattered peripheral villages located in the study area. The term Sprawl is used in various ways to mean the gluttonous use of land, uninterrupted monotonous development, leapfrog discontinuous development and inefficient use of land. Urban sprawls are characterized by premature or poorly planned conversion of rural land to other uses, the creation of areas of urban development or uses which are not functionally related to adjacent land uses, the creation of areas of urban development or uses which fail to maximize the use of existing public facilities and the use of areas within which public services are provided. For calculating this parameter Holdern index was used. Results show that 41 percent of urban growth of Bonab city has risen from sprawl growth. Based on the results, urban area of Bonab and its six peripheral villages which was 608.4 hectares in 1984 reached 1716.8 ha in 2011. 1065.51 hectares of the aforementioned lands was developed on garden and agricultural lands which demand management of future development based on the principles of sustainable development. Therefore, effective factors of physical development in the urban area of Bonab city was classified under 14 layers and by using the logistic regression method, the possibility of urban development map was prepared. After predicting the future pattern of urban development in Bonab city, the protection of gardens and green spaces strategy in the urban development process was implemented using the hexagonal layout of possibility for urban development map, giving the necessary space for development, and extraction of a natural green belt with an area of 21.83 km. Furthermore, a ban in urban development in the surroundings of the proposed green belt was applied, maintaining the ecological reserves of Bonab city by reducing agricultural and garden lands, decreasing degradation and controlling sprawl expansion and separation of towns and villages.
Urban Design
Azin Hajiahmadi Hamedani; Hamid Majedi; Laala Jahanshahloo
Volume 4, Issue 14 , May 2015, Pages 47-60
The main objectives of urban designers is the creation of responsible urban space for all social groups by understanding the qualities and spatial needs in the city to operate in such a way as to promote environmental quality and create a suitable base for urban life. The basic function of the city lies ...
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The main objectives of urban designers is the creation of responsible urban space for all social groups by understanding the qualities and spatial needs in the city to operate in such a way as to promote environmental quality and create a suitable base for urban life. The basic function of the city lies in the abundance of community activities and public areas of the city, a place to display the different social lives of individuals and social groups, including women. Urban space does not only have a physical dimension but also social and symbolic aspects that are particularly relevant to the social construction of gender relations. Public space is where gender roles are carved, codified and fractured. Inevitably, gender causes differences. These differences appear in the needs, activities and subsequent behavior. Furthermore, any behavior needs its physical setting. Thus, creating the appropriate urban spaces that could be responsive to the needs of women and the relationship between the environment and their activities will affect conditions and rate of use of available urban spaces. This article describes how to design urban spaces with the aim of promoting women's needs in daily life and adresses their interests and experiences in the public domain. Since women’s major place of presence and activity has traditionally been in or near the home, neighborhood open space is chosen as a relevant case study. First, a literature review was conducted concerning gender and urban space, women’s activities and behavioral patterns approach, and on the basis of this theoretical framework, the research hypotheses are developed. The research emphasizes on socio-cultural and behavioral factors. The specific goal of this research was to identify criteria that affect the factors affecting women’s activities in urban spaces. For this purpose, the criteria that were extracted from the studies including physical conditions, safety and security, activity time and location, accessability, sociability and population absorption were tested. Finally, behaviors and activities in urban place were analyzed by examining women's experience of public spaces. Both descriptive and analytical research methods were used in this research along with index technique for studying the criteria. The research methodology included a review of the principles and experiences, conceptualization, extraction of the criteria that were applied in the form of a questionnaire (Likert scale) to determine the sample size and statistically analyze a neighborhood called Poonak District (20 m Golestan Street), Tehran, Iran in 2009. The sample population consisted of 90 middle-class women over 18 years of age. Finally, the recommended strategies in urban design are outlined. Thr results indicate that an increase in safety and security, time of activity, and sociability in urban areas lead to an increase in women’s activities. Furthermore, recommendations were provided for addressing changes to research and practice in order to better reflect and accommodate diverse experiences of public space.
Urban Planning
Hashem Dadashpoor; Sepideh Tadayon
Volume 4, Issue 14 , May 2015, Pages 61-76
The emergence of metropolitan areas is a phenomenon of the twentieth century and is a continuation of the prevailing trend of urbanization at the beginning of the eighteenth century. These new forms of urban areas are not only greater than previous ones in scale and more associated with decentralization, ...
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The emergence of metropolitan areas is a phenomenon of the twentieth century and is a continuation of the prevailing trend of urbanization at the beginning of the eighteenth century. These new forms of urban areas are not only greater than previous ones in scale and more associated with decentralization, but qualitatively they are included in various types of systems. These new urban forms reflect fundamental structural dynamics that have changed the geography of urban areas. Different patterns of displacement can be the result of various factors including housing, employment and income levels, the factors that lead to different types of spatial mobility. In fact, depending on the degree of deviation from the consent of the provider of such elements, spatial mobility and displacement occurs in other areas. The impact of housing, employment and the ability to take advantage of the services required is very important and effective on formation of different spatial patterns. The Tehran metropolitan area including the city of Tehran and the surrounding population, economic and services centers has created a unique market for employment and residence. With regard to the distribution of housing, employment and services, various types of spatial mobility and travel patterns are emerging. The main objective of this research is identifying homogeneous areas in Tehran metropolitan area based on the number of flows and their convergence. By identifying and analyzing the characteristics of these zones, we can identify the flow conditions of spatial mobility and relations between the zones in the area and planning for it.
The method used in this research is descriptive - analytical. In order to identify homogeneous zones, two elements, spatial mobility and physical links were considered. According to the available data, the most important of data is the origin-destination flow of people’s trips and to achieve the desired objectives, network flow analysis method was used. Thus, to identify homogeneous areas and to discuss spatial mobility trends in Tehran metropolitan area, network analysis features and fraction analysis - as a network analysis tool- was used. In addition, in this study, the characteristics of each zone were based on the calculation of the network including centralization and power, and how the presence or absences of certain central cities in each category are determined.
Based on fraction analysis as a tool of network analysis, three main groups were identified in Tehran metropolitan area. The first category encompasses Tehran and Karaj metropolitan areas as well as the Central, South and Southeast cities in the region. The second category covers the north and northeast cities and the third category includes western most cities in the region. The zones comprise of cities in the region based on their distance from each other and their roles. The flow conditions are not similar across the area; the first zone, Tehran mega city and Karaj metropolitan, as central points have been allocated the maximum amount of connections and mobility and have also established stronger links with other zones. However, eastern and western zones have not been able to create considerable ties due to their great distance from each other. Tehran metropolitan area in addition to having a population of several million and a great deal of economic activities has a high level of functional linkages. Karaj metropolitan area has many economic activities in the form of manufacturing industries and factories based within it, and thus make the area an important place. The centers of Tehran and Karaj are attractive for travel from all over the metropolitan area while travel in other settlements occurs on a more local level. Most towns’ sphere of influence do not exceed the respective border city.
Dependence on Tehran and then Karaj, shows the unbalanced system of movement and mobility in Tehran metropolitan area, while structural-physical changes in the current situation depends on new image of the area, mainly a mix of links and nodes and also emphasis on looking more and more integrated into the centers and areas in the form of a network of settlements. By identifying types of trips and their orientation, travel management can reduce the degree of concentration and amount of damaging trips. In addition, unnecessary trips can be eliminated through the development of communication technologies and network facilities and services and trips in the area can be planned in a balanced system.
Urban Design
mozaffar abbaszadeh; Asghar mohammad Moradi; elnaz soltanahmadi
Volume 4, Issue 14 , May 2015, Pages 77-90
Historical, cultural and tourism potentials especially in the central and historical urban areas as centers of attraction, the ability and possibility of dynamism and vitality of the urban fabrics could possibly attract tourists in the form of "cultural tourism". In this context, policy makers should ...
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Historical, cultural and tourism potentials especially in the central and historical urban areas as centers of attraction, the ability and possibility of dynamism and vitality of the urban fabrics could possibly attract tourists in the form of "cultural tourism". In this context, policy makers should note that regardless of economic profitability and touristic aspect of cultural heritage, it could be the basis of research and educational activities free from advertising, economic and service-oriented point of views. In this situation, tourism can be an important factor for the conservation of cultural heritage that stimulates the revival of local values and cultural patterns that are in the process of being destroyed.
Urmia, as a historic city, has undergone many changes in structure and fabric during different periods of history which has had an effect on urban space. Some of the elements that have had an important role in the evolution of the city should be valued as objects of historical and cultural identity of the city which must be protected against current urban development plans and the results of modernism; more attention must be paid to maintaining the flow of life and prevent their physical and functional degradation. Therefore, this study tries to address the role of cultural tourism in depicting the urban and architectural heritage values and investigates the type of values that must be evaluated and maintained to develop cultural tourism. In addition, this study attempts to determine the appropriate scope and limitation of cultural tourism in Urmia. In this regard, using descriptive method and library study, the issues and concepts related to cultural heritage tourism and the necessity of paying attention to its values are examined. After exploring the different viewpoints in the field of cultural heritage, different values including emotional, cultural-historical, scientific, practical, architectural and urban heritage values are explained. Hence, a specialized team of elite experts and those involved in the field of cultural heritage and tourism was formed to assign numerical values to some heritage sites within the city of Urmia by using the analytical network process (ANP). The inconsistency rate of 0.05 indicates acceptable consistency and accuracy of calculations and the results of prioritization given by the model. Results indicate that the priority values in the three main elements of the structure of Urmia city including Jame-mosque, the historic Bazaar, and Eyalat Square are, in the order mentioned, emotional, cultural-historical, scientific and practical values which also define the limit and axis of cultural tourism. Thus, depicting the values and paying attention to them can be the basis for decisions related to the field of tourism and cultural heritage. Moreover, by prioritizing intervention in cultural tourism projects based on architectural heritage and urban location recognition capabilities, one can make a significant impact on the preservation and restoration of the historical identity of the city. This research has attempted to explain the importance of identifying urban and architecture heritage values. A new categorization of values are provided based on the needs of tourists, service-provider society, the heritage site, prioritization of values proportionate to the hierarchy of values perceived by the tourist, which should be illustrated by the provider society, and a recognition of architectural and urban capabilities. Furthermore, the relationship between the three variables of tourist, the provider society, and heritage sites are presented. It was determined that prioritization and application of present values in heritage sites within cities can have a very effective role in determining the place and boundaries of cultural tourism and conservation of urban and architectural heritage sites.
Urban Planning
mahin nastaran; kamran rabiei; kamyar abdekhoda
Volume 4, Issue 14 , May 2015, Pages 91-101
Commercial and border exchanges in Baneh city were carried out on a limited scale until the late 1980s. However, from the early 1990s with the construction of the border market of Siranband, commercial exchanges prospered in this city. The increase in the import of smuggled goods and the number of tourists ...
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Commercial and border exchanges in Baneh city were carried out on a limited scale until the late 1980s. However, from the early 1990s with the construction of the border market of Siranband, commercial exchanges prospered in this city. The increase in the import of smuggled goods and the number of tourists created a context for certain jobs like street vendors and house renting. Although commercial prosperity in Baneh has had positive effects such as the creation of employment and increased economic power, the intensive centralization of informal activities in a small area of the city has caused many problems including congestion, sound pollution, air pollution, heavy traffic and reduction in the quality of life in the central area of the city. Therefore, undertaking research to reduce problems resulting from centralization of informal activities in the central area of Baneh as an area that is most influenced by these activities seems necessary. This research attempts to study the factors influencing informal employment in the border city of Baneh and suggests solutions for decreasing its negative impacts. Considering the extensive aspects of the research question in this study, various tools and approaches including survey, interviews with residents, sellers and experts and secondary analysis approach were used. This study has benefited from GIS and AUTOCAD software for drawing the plans and SPSS and EXCEL software for describing the statistic data. In the first stage of the process, the indices of informal employment were extracted. Secondly, after classifying the jobs under formal and informal categories, the distribution maps of formal and informal jobs were prepared. Then, by matching the maps, the exact area of centralization of informal trade was defined. Finally, the impacts of informal trade on this area were evaluated. The results indicate that being close to the border, the existence of social attachments beyond the border, lack of employment opportunities in the region, lack of customs laws and the smuggling of goods are the most important factors resulting in informal employment in this city. In conclusion, the increase in informal trade results in changes in land use from residential to commercial and growth of commercial complexes, horizontal and vertical development of the city, increasing the number of false jobs and heavy traffic. To reduce the problems caused by centralization of informal employment in Baneh, correct management of the market, expedition in the development of infrastructure, decrease in the centralization of commercial complexes and services in the central area and organizing the traffic plans of the central area are recommended.