Urban Planning
Arastoo Yari hesar; mohammadhasan yazdani; Asghar pashazadeh
Introduction Robbery is a behavioral and social deviation that has been regarded as a crime and negative, abnormal behavior almost regardless of when and where it has been committed. It is one of the oldest human crimes, observed in various forms in different societies. It is a phenomenon of great importance ...
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Introduction Robbery is a behavioral and social deviation that has been regarded as a crime and negative, abnormal behavior almost regardless of when and where it has been committed. It is one of the oldest human crimes, observed in various forms in different societies. It is a phenomenon of great importance that disturbs the individual’s and society’s security in both financial and physical terms. Since robbery can take place in particular time and location ranges, the main aim of the current research was to identify factors effective on the time and location of committing the crime in the city of Ardabil, Iran, and the researcher sought to provide an answer to the basic question of when and where robbery is committed in Ardabil. Methodology This was an applied descriptive-analytical study in terms of aim and data collection methodology. The research population included all the robbers serving their sentences at Ardabil jail in Spring and Summer 2017, all 233 of whom filled out questionnaires based on the complete enumeration method. Data collection was carried out through documentary analysis and field elicitation (using a questionnaire). SPSS was used for description and analysis of the data and examination of the hypotheses in accordance with the scales of measurement of the research variables. Thus, the chi-square test was used for investigation of the frequency distributions of the temporal and spatial variables, and Kramers’ test for the relationship between robber’s place of residence and crime scene. The ArcGIS software was also used for analysis of the dispersion of robber’s place of residence and crime scene. Results Place of residence and crime scene were found to be dispersed for most robbers serving their sentences at Ardabil jail. However, the highest frequency of place of residence was observed for the northwestern part, including the suburban area (northwest) and the semi-organic area (central part). As for crime scene, the highest frequency concerned the central part and the newly-constructed area (newly-constructed neighborhoods located in the central part). Given the great similarity between robber’s place of residence and crime scene based on Kramers’ test results, it could be stated that there was a significant relationship between the two variables. Moreover, the chi-square test results demonstrated that most of the robberies had been committed in summer (September), during the night, on the weekend, and by the drug addict with criminal records and financial problems. Conclusion Statistical tests and dispersion maps were used in this research for investigation of the times and locations of committing robbery. It could be concluded based on the findings that the crime was committed at particular times; that is, temporal conditions were effective on the occurrence of robbery. Most of the robberies had taken place in newly-constructed, wealthy areas. In fact, the commitment of robbery followed a particular dispersion pattern in spatial terms, and there was similarity and accordance between robber’s place of residence and crime scene, as evidenced by the observations, hence the significant relationship between the two variables.
Urban Planning
MH Y; A P; Maryam Jami
Objectives Today, walking is one of the missing links in urban life. Thus, it is required to review the form and structure of today’s streets, which is a great concern for the urban experts and citizens. Therefore, it is crucial to consider urban pedestrians and find solutions to promote urban ...
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Objectives Today, walking is one of the missing links in urban life. Thus, it is required to review the form and structure of today’s streets, which is a great concern for the urban experts and citizens. Therefore, it is crucial to consider urban pedestrians and find solutions to promote urban environmental quality of life and to promote citizens’ satisfaction with the environment. The city of Sareyn is not an exception. Given the climatic conditions of Sareyn and its high traffic, it cannot attract tourists and residents. These circumstances may pose an obstacle to the development of Sareyn in terms of tourism. Thus, constructing pedestrian walkways could facilitate the revitalization and development process of the city. As a result, this research aims to introduce significant factors in constructing pedestrian walkways in Sareyn, which will be a suitable background to guide the development process of the city. Findings This paper applies the path analysis method to determine the factors affecting the construction of pedestrian walkways in Sareyn. The results of regression analysis method for direct effects indicate that about 64% variance in pedestrian walkways is likely to be explained by research indicators. Variables of walkways and transportation, security, economic functions and urban services and facilities are more significant than other variables in predicting the dependent variable. The second and later stages of the path analysis method measures indirect effects. The results of these stages show that the effect of urban services and amenities on the construction of a pedestrian walkway is 46.3%, it is 11.4% for the transportation criterion, 11% for economic performance, 3% for the socio-cultural criterion and 18.1% for the security factor. Sum of the direct and indirect effects of the independent variables on constructing pedestrian walkways shows that the most effective factor in Sareyn city is related to “Walkways and Transportation” factors. Walkways and transportation affect the dependent variable directly by 0.362% and indirectly by 0.091%. Other effective factors in order of importance are security, urban services and facilities, economic, socio-cultural and geographic functions. Results Path analysis method was used to determine the effective factors on making pedestrian walkways in Sareyn, as a pole of tourism in Iran. Due to the multiplicity of factors, multiple regression test was performed. The direct effects were analyzed in the first step and then the indirect effects were calculated. In the first step, it was observed that research factors explained pedestrian walkway construction by 64%. The most significant factors in this stage were urban services and facilities, transportation, security, socio-cultural and economic functions. The most significant indirect factors were determined to be geographic factors with an indirect path and security with two indirect paths. There were 5 direct and 8 indirect paths in this research. Finally, the most important factors were walkways and transportation, followed by security, urban services and facilities, economic, socio-cultural, and geographic factors. The results show that the improvement of the above factors would make good conditions for constructing pedestrian walkways. Furthermore, the improvement of these factors would have a positive effect on the number of pedestrians using walkways. Finally, improvement of other factors would also have such effects.