ISSN: 2717-4417
Urban Planning
Spatial- temporal analysis of robbery occurrence inArdebil

Arastoo Yari hesar; mohammadhasan yazdani; Asghar pashazadeh

Volume 9, Issue 33 , February 2020, , Pages 77-92

  Introduction Robbery is a behavioral and social deviation that has been regarded as a crime and negative, abnormal behavior almost regardless of when and where it has been committed. It is one of the oldest human crimes, observed in various forms in different societies. It is a phenomenon of great importance ...  Read More

Urban Planning
Identifying effective factors in building pedestrians using path analysis method (Case Study: the city of Sareyn)

MH Y; A P; Maryam Jami

Volume 8, Issue 29 , February 2019, , Pages 31-44

  Objectives Today, walking is one of the missing links in urban life. Thus, it is required to review the form and structure of today’s streets, which is a great concern for the urban experts and citizens. Therefore, it is crucial to consider urban pedestrians and find solutions to promote urban ...  Read More

Urban Transport
Studying the factors affecting the citizen's unwillingness to use bicycle in urban travels (the case of Ardabil)
Volume 4, Issue 15 , August 2015, , Pages 83-92

  Increasing populations in third-world cities of and consequently increasing use of fossil fuels and intense traffic have caused these cities to encounter various problems. Nowadays, transport is one of the most important factors determining the existence and development of cities. Almost all cities are ...  Read More

Urban Sustainability
Measuring the Sustainability Level of Ardebil Neighborhoods, with an Emphasis on Rural based Neighborhoods

a m; a p

Volume 3, Issue 11 , August 2014, , Pages 49-62

  Introduction Today environmental, social, and economic problems and issues concentrated in cities have necessitated attempts for undertaking research on sustainable development. Considering the role of neighborhoods as the mosaics of development, neighborhoodism and neighborhood-based planning is a ...  Read More