Urban Geography
Bahare sadat mousavi; Ata Abdollahi kakroodi; samane Arvandi
Highlights- Urban physical expansion has had an impact on spatial and temporal changes in Tasseled cap, including Land Surface Temperature (LST), resulting in an increase in surface temperature.- Surveys conducted in cities have shown that the patterns of urban expansion are influenced by the geographic ...
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Highlights- Urban physical expansion has had an impact on spatial and temporal changes in Tasseled cap, including Land Surface Temperature (LST), resulting in an increase in surface temperature.- Surveys conducted in cities have shown that the patterns of urban expansion are influenced by the geographic setting and regional factors.- The average greenness in areas with wet weather conditions (such as Bandar Anzali and Shirgah) differs from areas with hot and dry weather conditions (such as Kashan), based on climatic conditions.IntroductionGlobally, the physical growth of cities is recognized as a major threat to natural and ecological resources, with a variety of effects including land use change, increased pollution, increased earth surface temperatures, and climate change in both urban and non-urban areas. Planning to minimize the negative environmental effects of urban growth can be aided by quantifying and monitoring the changes caused by urban development in the Tasseled cap of the surface. Urban management and planning can also be derived from the quantitative and qualitative effects of climatic conditions on the type and amount of changes in the Tasseled cap of the surface due to physical expansion of the cities. Furthermore, weather conditions are the primary and effective factor on the type and amount of changes in the Tasseled cap properties of the surface. Considering field measurement is a time-consuming and expensive technique, remote sensing technology will be helpful and effective to overcome this challenge because of its large and continuous coverage, immediate access, and availability of data at various local, regional, and global scales.Theoretical FrameworkUrbanization leads to an increase in land surface temperature (LST). In general, at the patch scale, the more compact the urban growth, the more easily the surface warmed. In most temperature zones, it was found that edge expansion and infilling had significant and favorable correlations with LST. Positive correlations were found in the warm temperature and plateau climatic zones, while negative correlations were seen in the subtropical and intermediate temperature zones, indicating that the influence of outliers on LST had opposite effects in these regions. The findings also demonstrated that LST was significantly influenced in diverse ways by patch area, industrial firm density, population density, and road density. This study further verified the existence of a scale effect; moreover, the results of patch-scale research based on the microscopic perspective were deemed to be more accurate. Overall, understanding the quantitative relationships between UGP and LST is helpful for assessing the complexity of urban climates and for providing a scientific basis for planners and urban managers to optimize urban layouts, (Rao et al., 2021: 105314).MethodologyThe physical development of cities and their impact on the surface's Tasseled cap have been the subject of numerous studies. This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of different climatic conditions on the changes in Tasseled cap by using remote sensing. The cities of Kashan, Bandar Anzali, and Sirjan were chosen as the study regions for this research because of their diversity in geographical features, climatic features, and land cover. So, between 1991 and 2021, the effects of various climatic conditions and changes in thermal temperature on these cities were examined. For this purpose, satellite images of Landsat 5 TM sensor and Landsat 8 OLI sensor used.ConclusionThis study investigated the effect of climatic conditions on the spatial and temporal changes in Tasseled cap, including LST, in three cities in Iran: Kashan, Sirjan, and Bandar Anzali. The results showed that urban expansion has led to an increase in LST in all three cities. However, the increase in LST was more pronounced in Kashan, which has a hot and dry climate, than in Sirjan and Bandar Anzali, which have more humid climates. This is because the reduction of vegetation cover in urban areas reduces evaporation and transpiration, which leads to an increase in surface temperature.The study also found that the changes in other Tasseled cap indices, such as brightness and wetness, were also affected by climatic conditions. In the humid cities of Bandar Anzali and Sirjan, the increase in LST was accompanied by an increase in brightness and wetness. This is because the presence of vegetation helps to reflect sunlight and retain moisture, which helps to cool the surface. In contrast, in the hot and dry city of Kashan, the increase in LST was accompanied by a decrease in brightness and wetness.The findings of this study suggest that the planning and management of urban areas should take into account the local climatic conditions. In hot and dry climates, it is important to preserve vegetation cover to help reduce surface temperatures. In humid climates, it is important to design urban spaces in a way that maximizes the benefits of vegetation, such as shading and moisture retention.The study also suggests that future studies should consider the effects of climatic conditions on the changes in Tasseled cap in different cities. This will help to improve our understanding of the relationship between urban development and climate change.
Urban Planning
Hani Arbabi; Siyamak Alishahi; Mohammad-Hosein Sobhiyah; Sahar Taheripour
Highlights: Comparing the findings of both empiricist and rationalist methods in identifying the most critical stakeholders is very convergent Map of stakeholder communication shows the most critical stakeholders based on the different index of SNA. Introduction. An important aspect of ...
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Highlights: Comparing the findings of both empiricist and rationalist methods in identifying the most critical stakeholders is very convergent Map of stakeholder communication shows the most critical stakeholders based on the different index of SNA. Introduction. An important aspect of improving the quality of urban life is existence of appropriate facilities and infrastructures on urban passages, including the design and construction of urban overpasses and underpasses, as a large-scale urban project. One of the goals of urban development projects is to reduce traffic load in cities and to address people’s demands and solve their problems in that regard. Implementation of such projects will undoubtedly be effective in improvement of the quality of urban furniture and provision of comfort and welfare for citizens. They involve a wide range of stakeholders with different levels of interest, and there is an essential need for adequate communication and exchange between them. The present study addresses stakeholders’ prioritization and communication in a project involving the construction of an intersection with multi-level crossroads in the city of Urmia, Iran using the interest-power matrix as an empirical method and social network analysis as a rationalist method. Theoretical framework. Improper management of stakeholders in an urban project can cause political, social, and cultural problems. The created challenges are not purely technical, and require the management of stakeholders based on their social, cultural, and political backgrounds with different strategies and goals (Aaltonen & Kujala, 2016). In the literature, methods of stakeholder analysis are divided into two categories: empirical and rational. Empiricists assert that knowledge is inductive and obtained through experience; therefore, the analysis of stakeholders is based on a small number of them (the key stakeholders). This model is based on the fact that the key stakeholders have a great deal of information about their expectations and other stakeholders. Decision-makers can make optimal decisions making subjective judgments in that regard. However, many researchers have criticized this approach for several reasons, including the negligence of some stakeholders and their mediating measures affecting other stakeholders and, ultimately, the project. Moreover, the accuracy of the results decreases as the complexity of the project increases, resulting in the formation of a rationalist approach to stakeholder analysis. The basis of knowledge acquisition in the rationalist approach is knowledge independent of experience. In this approach, trust in results is enhanced through an attempt to involve all stakeholders rather than to focus on the key ones. The decisions reflect the actual relationships between stakeholders, making up an excellent way to identify hidden stakeholders who may have little evident impact. However, they can cause overall disruptions in urban development projects (Yang, 2014). Methodology. In this qualitative research, which was performed using a one-sample case study, documents on the project and semi-structured interviews were used for data collection. The purposeful sampling method and the snowball technique were used, and 17 stakeholders were finally identified for the project. The data were analyzed using the interest-power matrix (with the brainstorming technique) and the NodeXL software (for social network analysis). Results and discussion. The results demonstrate that the primary stakeholders in the interest-power matrix include the municipality, people, city council, and residents, in that order. Moreover, the municipal stakeholder, who has gained the greatest interest and power to influence the project, has been the implementer as well. On the other hand, the Water and Wastewater Company, the Department of Electricity, and the Telecommunications Company have obtained the least interest and power in the project. As for the distribution of stakeholders in the interest-power matrix, no specific focal points were achieved in the upper quarters of the matrix. In the social networks analysis, however, people, municipalities, city councils, and contractors exhibited the highest priorities, and suppliers, the environment, and oil companies had the lowest priorities. The residents, city council, and municipality played the most crucial role in the communication between all the stakeholders. In terms of communication power, the military organization was highest, located adjacent to the project. Furthermore, the response times between the stakeholders and the frequency of response were relatively unfavorable. Finally, an urban development project could achieve different results in terms of its stakeholders’ importance and prioritization through changes in its use and framework although it has a significant impact on the city, and involves a wide range of stakeholders. Conclusion. The comparison between the findings of the empiricist and rationalist methods in the identification of the most crucial stakeholders exhibits high convergence. There are differences, however, in the identification of the least important stakeholders. Use of empiricist and rationalist methods can help identify, prioritize, and manage stakeholders. To some extent, they cover each other’s shortcomings, and use of a combination of the two methods to analyze stakeholders can perhaps be the right solution. The findings of this research can help the managers of urban transport development projects that involve large numbers of stakeholders to manage them as successfully as possible and to identify and analyze the positions and importance of the stakeholders involved in such large-scale projects, especially those who seem to have less prominent roles but greater influence. The project may gain better cost, time, and quality during the construction phases, which involve the greatest fund and longest time, by spending less time and cost but involving a wider range of effective stakeholders in the initial phases.
Urban Planning
ObjectivesTourism, on the one hand, is important from the point of view of economic values and, on the other hand, from cultural, political and social viewpoints. It is important to geographically analyze the power and sufficiency of tourism because it provides an active and dynamic field for development ...
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ObjectivesTourism, on the one hand, is important from the point of view of economic values and, on the other hand, from cultural, political and social viewpoints. It is important to geographically analyze the power and sufficiency of tourism because it provides an active and dynamic field for development in every region. Accurate scientific studies are needed to recognize the high potential of tourism in different regions of Iran and its effect on social and economic life of residents these regions, and to realize the link between tourism growth and its role in economic and environmental development of host areas. One of the touristic regions of Iran which attracts large numbers of internal and foreign tourists is the historical city of Kashan. Kashan’s historical, cultural and social attractions, its sport attraction in the Maranjab desert, rose-water festival, waterfalls, etc. have attracted native and non-native tourists and developed the city. Hence, the present study seeks to answer the following questions: how much does tourism development influence urban development? In addition to the modeling, what are the effective factors on tourism development? What are the effects of tourism development on urban development? FindingsIn line with effective factors on tourism development and its role in urban development, a list of variables was identified and arranged according to theoretical basis of the study. Then, the variables’ validity was checked and confirmed. Afterwards, the variables were evaluated in the form of a structural model. The results of analyses indicate that tourism has been effective on environmental, framework, economic, and social factors of the region. The economic factor plays the most important role in specifying the effects of Kashan tourism development. Income growth is the most tangible indicator affected by tourism development in the region. Capital increase and job diversification are other important indices which are influenced by tourism development in Kashan. Social factor is another crucial factor affected by tourism in Kashan. Four indices are loaded in this factor, including decrease in residents’ peace, increase in local and family income, realization of value of the local culture and efforts for protecting it and increased quality of life. Environmental factor is another factor which is affected by tourism development. The factor has dedicated maximum number of variables to itself which shows that it is largely influenced by tourism development of the region. The last affected factor is framework. Unfortunately, tourism development of the region has been accompanied by many framework destructions.ResultsThe results demonstrate that tourism development has an important role in urban development. This effectiveness was 0.29 at the significance level of 0.000. Therefore, with a confidence of 99%, tourism development influences urban development. Tourism development in Kashan accounts for 0.67% development in cultural services (library, mosque, etc.), 0.66% development in facilities and infrastructure services (water and sewage network, transmission, etc.), 0.65% improvement in residents’ living and 0.52% increase in common services (hygienic service, accumulation of garbage, etc.).