Urban Sustainability
Ali Riahi Dehkordi; Mahdi Montazerolhodjah
In general, the difference between this research and others lies in the different time period and the type of perspective of this research, as detailed below.
This research was conducted during the Covid-19 epidemic, adopting a detailed approach to the research ...
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In general, the difference between this research and others lies in the different time period and the type of perspective of this research, as detailed below.
This research was conducted during the Covid-19 epidemic, adopting a detailed approach to the research problem.
Among all the dimensions of the quality of life, only the physical dimension and its variables were addressed.
The research adopted a mental approach to measure the physical quality of life of people living in the relevant neighborhoods during the epidemic.
A new type of global bio-experience was formed following the spread of Covid-19, and this emerging phenomenon is considered as the biggest challenge and international problem of mankind since World War II. This epidemic also affected and changed people’s mental images of their cities and residences. If the history of epidemic diseases is a guide for urban officials, the outbreak of this disease can also involve a series of important urban policies adopted to improve people’s quality of life in cities and their places of residence. Due to the changes in citizens’ lifestyles and their exile from public urban spaces to spend most of their times in their residences, these neighborhoods could play an important role in the battle against the virus by raising the residents’ quality of life. Among the factors that affect people’s quality of life in the localities, the body exhibits a tremendous impact by getting involved in the organization of the environment in order to break the chain of virus transmission.
Theoretical Framework
Epidemics of infectious diseases have always been part of the history of cities. By reviewing the history of epidemics, one can gain more insight into the consequences of changes in the design of cities, urban zoning laws, and the primary concepts of quarantine. The Covid -19 virus has also been added to a long list of rapidly spreading infectious diseases in the current century, such as tuberculosis in Southern Africa in 2006 and Ebola in Western Africa in 2014.
Generally, actions taken against urban crises can be divided into the short-term and medium-term categories in terms of response time. The former deals with functional interventions, and the latter involves basic interventions in the structure of a city. Short-term functional measures include planning to make cities more flexible, considering the role of neighborhoods and their function in satisfaction of the residents’ needs, raising the quality of housing, etc. On the other hand, medium-term actions attempt to reconstruct the healthcare systems, take urgent health measures, etc.
The term quality of life (QoL) originally meant good life, and was limited to the notions of having or not having common consumer goods, being rich, owning a car, and owning a house. The concept gradually evolved to include life satisfaction. In the classification of quality of life, two objective and subjective states can be noted. Objectivity concerns the degree to which a life conforms to the correct standards of good life and is evaluated using objective criteria that can be collected, recorded, and visualized from relevant statistical data in an accessible data platform. The mental state pertains to self-evaluation based on implicit and subjective criteria and includes feelings, individuals’ or groups’ opinions, and satisfaction with life, which is a function of pleasant and unpleasant experiences. The quality of life, however, can include dimensions such as social, economic, and physical ones. The physical dimension is one of the most important aspects that exhibit great impacts in the field. The components of the physical dimension are numerous and can include the quality of the surrounding neighborhood landscapes, lighting, air and noise pollution, access to facilities in the neighborhoods, etc.
This research is considered as an applied quantitative study. The survey and descriptive research methods were used in the sections on the research background, theoretical framework development, and data extraction, and the causal-comparative method was used in the analysis phase. The present study sought to compare the differences in the physical factors affecting the mental quality of life from residents’ perspective in the contemporary residential areas of Iran during the current pandemic crisis (Covid-19 virus) in three urban scales: metropolitan areas (with populations over 1 million people), medium-sized cities (with populations from 500 thousand to 1 million people), and small towns (with populations of 200-500 thousand people).
Since the quality of residential environments is a subjective concept and is retrieved from the subjective perspectives of people, the approach adopted in this research is also subjective.
The research data were collected through distribution of an online questionnaire to measure the relationship between people and their surrounding environments. The questions were designed based on 38 indicators in 6 categories: environmental health, lighting, mental health, accessibility, and environmental and residential design.
Discussion and Results
The most seriously involved urban element in the crisis of Covid-19 pandemic, urban neighborhoods have played a key role in the attempt to cut the chain of virus transmission. The results obtained from this research indicate that the residents of metropolitan neighborhoods believe in the physical quality of their lives in these neighborhoods as higher in the areas of mental health, environmental design, lighting, and housing. This lies in the category of environmental health in medium-sized cities and in the category of accessibility in small cities. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the categories of environmental health, lighting, access, and environmental and residential design and their relevant indicators do not exhibit a significant difference between the three urban groups, and it is only the category of mental health that does. This difference points out that greater attention is paid to people’s psyche than to the environment physics in such crises.
The results of this research suggest that future studies can be conducted to investigate issues such as the role of maintaining mental health in epidemic crises, the effect of environmental design in the improvement of people’s mental health in epidemic crises, and the effect of the quality of public spaces in the control of factors harming people’s mental health in crises.
Finally, suggestions such as the following can be made given the priority of the residents’ perspective in all the three urban scales toward the stability and responsiveness of the neighborhoods during the viral disease epidemic crisis:
1- to increase the psychological security of pedestrian paths during public quarantines due to reduced attendance by adapting side street paths and those away from residential environments through placement of monitoring kiosks
2- to organize the pedestrian access network in order to facilitate access to residential houses in the epidemic crisis by making access paths more legible, considering lighting, doing environmental design, and placing visual signs therein
3- to design appropriate vegetation to reduce the noise pollution of vehicles and prevent the transmission of traffic noise into residential spaces in order to keep people calm during the period of illness.
Slum Settlements
Mojtaba Arasteh; mohammad hosein pour hasan zadeh; Maryam Baghaei
Highlights- COVID-19 has revealed gaps in health management along with a high rate of infectious diseases in informal settlements.- We focused on three components and eight indicators of resilience to evaluate the performance of NGOs in the control of the COVID-19 outbreak.- The vulnerability of informal ...
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Highlights- COVID-19 has revealed gaps in health management along with a high rate of infectious diseases in informal settlements.- We focused on three components and eight indicators of resilience to evaluate the performance of NGOs in the control of the COVID-19 outbreak.- The vulnerability of informal settlements in the city of Urmia, Iran to COVID-19 was based mainly on economic-livelihood components. IntroductionIn recent years, the global crisis of the coronavirus pandemic has placed cities and urban management in difficult conditions. Plenty of evidence and research emphasizes that the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19 was severer in informal settlements due to the low quantitative and qualitative characteristics of these areas. These settlements are always encountered with many problems such as poverty and unemployment, lack of security and various social damages, socio-economic injustice, health-environmental problems, and lack of concern from the municipality. Furthermore, people living in these settlements face greater risks due to the high population density, improper waste management and low-quality drainage systems, and very poor health conditions and high rates of transmission of infectious diseases. In recent years, therefore, it has turned into one of the most important challenges for urban managers in these areas to examine the ways to address and control the spread of this pandemic disease and increase the resilience of informal settlements against it. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the promotion of the resilience of informal settlements in Urmia against the COVID-19 pandemic.Theoretical frameworkPlenty of research investigates various indicators of resilience. This research is focused mainly on the explanation of the components and indicators of social resilience. Based on the theoretical framework, the three main components of social resilience include the socio-cultural, socio-economic, and environmental-physical components. In the following, the effective indicators for promotion of societal resilience in informal settlements are explained.Elimination of the panic caused by problems. When a crisis occurs, residents of an informal settlement should not feel that they are alone, and it is necessary for government institutions and NGOs to support them.Increase in the level of knowledge. Through a rise in the level of knowledge and information of the residents of informal settlements, appropriate conditions can be provided to control crises and increase their resilience.Provision of education to everyone. In many cases, the conditions required for facing a crisis can be provided with inclusive, targeted education, especially upon social, economic, physical, and health crises.Enhancement of participation. An important achievement of NGOs is to enhance public participation and increase social capital, which can establish a powerful link between the society and government.Enhancement of coordination between people and executive institutions. A specific effective role of NGOs is to function as an intermediary between the government and society.Financial and subsistence aid. The social, economic, physical, and health crises that occur in an informal settlement often lead to severer poverty and deprivation, where many families need direct financial and subsistence aid.Employment. Assisting administrative bodies, NGOs are considered as appropriate trustees for the implementation of job preparation, vocational training, entrepreneurship, and marketing and creation of a business environment.Public health. Through improvement of public health in an informal settlement, the quality of the environment can be raised, and the spread of infectious and pandemic diseases can be reduced.The quality of the environment. The quality of the residential environments in these settlements is often low, and many citizens living in these areas do not have proper access to services, facilities, infrastructures, and public spaces.MethodologyThis is a descriptive-analytical study with a quantitative approach. The research population includes all NGOs in the city of Urmia, Iran that are active in the field of countering COVID-19. The simple random sampling method was adopted using a lottery. The data were analyzed using descriptive mean statistics and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Friedman tests in SPSS.Results and discussionThe results demonstrate that the activity of NGOs to improve the resilience of informal settlements in Urmia against COVID-19 in the socio-cultural component is above average, with a score of 3.66. Moreover, the economic-livelihood component exhibits an average of 2.95, which is equivalent to average and below, and the environmental-physical component shows an average of 3.11, which is evaluated as a moderate score.Hence, it can be stated that the NGOs in Urmia have failed to provide a balanced, coordinated, fair approach with respect to the socio-cultural, economic-livelihood, and environmental-physical components due to the lack of coherence and integrated management in the face of unexpected crises such as the COVID-19 disease. The similarity of this research to others lies in the unified, integrated, coordinated management of government and local institutions upon crisis. Moreover, most researchers emphasize the management authority and social power of NGOs. Generally, it should be stated that NGOs must be equipped with effective financial, support, and educational tools in order to increase the resilience level of the residents of the settlements against crises. They should be strengthened to facilitate institutions’ provision of financial services, economic empowerment, and job creation.ConclusionOverall, we conclude that NGOs have performed appropriate activities to improve the resilience of informal settlements in Urmia against the COVID-19 disease. However, their performance has been different in a comparative analysis of components and indicators. The results of the Friedman test on the indicators demonstrates that the NGOs in the informal settlements of Urmia have exhibited effective activities on most socio-cultural and environmental-physical indicators (such as essential skills against COVID-19, provision of sanitary products, prioritization of disadvantaged people, encouragement of the benefactors to help the poor, disinfection of the environment, and encouragement of residents to help clean their neighborhoods). However, most economic indicators have failed to function effectively. Finally, we suggest that NGOs focus on attraction of financial and economic support from the governmental institutions, because this study shows that this pandemic disease has the most tangible impact on the economy of residents of informal settlements. It is also necessary to pay particular attention to provision of incentives and financial support packages to protect the health and economic and social security of people living in these settlements.
Urban Planning
Mohammad Reza Haghi; ehsan heidarzadeh
- The development of the Internet and electronic services contributes to the sustainability and resilience of cities against epidemics.
- Provision of neighborhood-scale land uses, especially green spaces and sports, is the first priority in the city of Kermanshah, Iran in the face of epidemics.
- ...
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- The development of the Internet and electronic services contributes to the sustainability and resilience of cities against epidemics.
- Provision of neighborhood-scale land uses, especially green spaces and sports, is the first priority in the city of Kermanshah, Iran in the face of epidemics.
- The approaches of integrated urban management, digital cities, orientation toward the neighborhood, and social capital have a key role in promotion of resilience in Kermanshah.
The worldwide outbreak of Covid-19 since the end of 2019 can be considered as one of the biggest challenges in recent decades, which has caused the issue of epidemic diseases to assume a prominent position in the atlas of natural and artificial hazards. The high rate of spread, high mortality rates, and severe damage to various economic and social sectors of societies indicates the importance of considering this key issue. According to the World Health Organization, the coronavirus epidemic is a global crisis that is unique in contemporary history in terms of spatial extent, onset rate, and complexity. Therefore, the present study has sought to answer the following question: which urban resilience variables are associated with higher priority in the struggle against epidemic diseases in the city of Kermanshah, Iran?
Theoretical Framework
A community’s resilience to potential contingencies is determined by the degree to which it can access the required resources and its capability of organizing itself both in advance and when needed. Accordingly, a resilient community is one that functions prudently in reduction of risk, preparation for the various effects of risk, and acceleration of recovery from hazardous events.
Following the outbreak of Covid-19, it became clear that urban resilience extends beyond climate, landscape, ecology, and natural disasters. To raise the capability of an urban environment, therefore, such shocks need to be absorbed without significant changes in its structure or function. Hence, urban planners must seek to answer such questions as why urban planning has been inactive in control of the coronavirus epidemic crisis, and whether the concentration and distribution of population and activity has made city dwellers more vulnerable to diseases, terrorist attacks, and artificial and natural disasters. The answers to these questions are essential because there is ample evidence about the influence of urban form and design on the prevalence of epidemics.
The present applied research involved interpretive description. The required information was collected in two ways: through library studies and questionnaires. For collection of data and identification of the initial variables through a review of various study sources, nineteen variables were finally selected for evaluation. After the variables were compiled, the studied sample was analyzed by the elite.
Since the Micmac software was used to analyze the data, the questionnaire involved a matrix of cross-adjustment effects, and was validated by experts. The data input to Micmac were obtained using the Delphi method and a questionnaire distributed among fifteen experts familiar with the conditions in Kermanshah (ten people with doctorate degrees and five with master’s degrees). In order to increase the validity of the data, prerequisites were considered such as explanation of the conceptual model based on the latest scientific research, the experts’ acquaintance with the case study, reception of the experts’ feedback about the final results, and independency of the experts.
Results and Discussion
The present study analyzed the influence of urban resilience against epidemics on the basis of nineteen variables. The findings demonstrated that the following variables had the greatest direct and indirect impacts on the other variables involved in resilience in Kermanshah in the face of Covid-19: the infrastructure for remote provision of professional, administrative, academic, and medical services, access to green and open spaces and recreation-and-sports land uses, access to services and neighborhood scale uses, capacity of urban facilities and equipment such as the electricity network and Internet, and unified, integrated management in crisis conditions. Moreover, the two variables capacity of neighborhoods for walking and cycling and enhancement of local communities’ public participation and social capital exhibited a two-dimensional nature in the issue of resilience in Kermanshah. This means that these variables are affected by others while greatly influencing them.
Based on the factors identified as drivers, suggestions should be made for their promotion. Therefore, four macro approaches were mentioned as priority plans through adaption of the driving factors to what had been proposed in previous studies, including integrated urban management, the digital city, orientation toward the neighborhood, and social capital. In fact, one can implicitly achieve urban resilience against epidemic diseases by placing such approaches at the forefront of the urban planning system.
The four proposed approaches are important because the synergy of measures taken in the public and private sectors is expected to improve and prevent waste of time and financial and human resources, aided by integrated urban management. Enhancement of the role of the digital city is important not only for provision of tools for identification and control of carriers of disease but also for better reduction of physical contact through telecommuting capacity, e-learning, online shopping, etc. Orientation toward the neighborhood is also considered significant as it reduces long inter-neighborhood commute by meeting citizens’ daily and weekly needs on a neighborhood scale. In addition, if urban neighborhoods are properly designed, achievements such as pedestrianization and access to green and open spaces will be realized, which will play a key role in residents’ mental and physical health during quarantine. The impact of social capital is also important because epidemics can be managed only through the people’s empathy and collective will. In fact, as the disease spreads among the people, their support and participation can undeniably help to control it.