Urban Planning
Bahador Zamani; Ehsan Babaei Salanghooch
High-quality grounded theory methodology (GTM) research in urban planning and design requires a deep understanding of GTM’s nature, versions, characteristics, and core principles.
Lack of adherence to all GTM principles can hinder the primary goal of GTM: theory generation.
Many ...
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High-quality grounded theory methodology (GTM) research in urban planning and design requires a deep understanding of GTM’s nature, versions, characteristics, and core principles.
Lack of adherence to all GTM principles can hinder the primary goal of GTM: theory generation.
Many GTM studies reviewed in this paper could have applied a more accurate version of GTM.
GTM research in urban planning and design should clearly present evidence of key actions taken during data collection and analysis.
In recent years, grounded theory methodology (GTM) has become more prevalent in research fields related to the built environment, especially urban planning and design. However, a lack of thorough understanding of GTM’s foundational principles and versions has often led to research with eclectic interpretations of GTM, sometimes diverging from GTM’s fundamental aims and processes. This study systematically evaluates GTM-based research in urban planning and design, aiming to understand the adherence to GTM’s essential principles within these studies and to provide recommendations for future research.
Theoretical Framework
GTM has evolved significantly since its inception by Glaser and Strauss, with various adaptations. Early on, Leonard Schatzman’s development of dimensional analysis marked a significant shift (Schatzman 1991). Kathy Charmaz, a student of both founders, advanced constructivist grounded theory. Adele Clarke, another prominent figure in GTM’s development, integrated Strauss’s social worlds and arenas framework with situational analysis (Clarke 2005; Clarke et al. 2018). Numerous other adaptations have since emerged, including critical realist GTM (Oliver 2011), transformational GTM (Redman-MacLaren and Mills 2015), multi-grounded theory (Goldkuhl and Cronholm 2010), and feminist GTM (Wuest 1995). Despite these variations, GTM’s core principles remain central across adaptations, including simultaneous data collection and analysis, data coding, constant comparison, theoretical sampling, theoretical saturation, memo writing, and integrating the theoretical framework within existing literature (Charmaz 2014; Corbin and Strauss 2014).
This study conducted a systematic review across Persian-language scientific databases, including the Jahad Daneshgahi Scientific Information Center, the Comprehensive Humanities Portal, and Noor Specialized Journals, encompassing a broad range of fields like art, architecture, and social sciences. The search yielded 834 articles, of which duplicate and non-peer-reviewed articles were excluded. Studies were further narrowed down to those authored by urban planning professionals or featuring urban planning participants, specifically employing GTM as the sole research method or methodology. Articles from other disciplines, such as architecture and tourism, were excluded. Inclusion criteria focused on Persian-language articles published between 1967 (the year GTM was introduced) and 2020, specifically on urban design and planning and explicitly using GTM.
Descriptive characteristics, including author(s), publication year, purpose, data collection methods, applied GTM version, and role of GTM in the research, were extracted for analysis. This assessment was based on the quality guideline by Hutchinson et al. (2011).
Out of the reviewed studies, 32 (73%) justified their use of GTM. GTM’s role varied:
1 study (2%) described GTM as a methodology
32 studies (73%) as a method
12 studies (29%) as an approach
5 studies (11%) as an approach (repeated category)
2 studies (5%) as a data analysis tool Four studies (11%) referenced GTM without specifying its methodological role.
Regarding GTM versions used:
8 studies (18%) did not specify a version
29 studies (66%) used the Strauss and Corbin version
2 studies (5%) used Charmaz’s constructivist version
1 study (2%) referenced Glaser’s approach
1 study (2%) referenced Clarke’s situational analysis
3 studies (7%) used a combination of versions.
In terms of adherence to GTM principles, studies showed varied application levels. Only one study applied all seven GTM principles. Other studies used between one to six principles, with one study applying none. For outcomes:
7 studies (16%) achieved theory generation
6 studies (14%) presented descriptive themes and narratives
29 studies (67%) used diagrams or models
1 study (2%) presented a conceptual framework
1 study (2%) reported a paradigm model.
Overall, this evaluation indicated that while GTM is increasingly used in urban planning and design research, many studies have not fully applied GTM’s principles. Consequently, their outputs often consist of descriptive themes or diagrams rather than theoretical contributions. Some studies applied only select GTM techniques, such as coding, without employing processes like theoretical sampling and constant comparison, limiting them to descriptive results rather than theory building.
This study’s findings indicate that to improve GTM research quality in urban planning and design, researchers must thoroughly understand GTM’s nature, versions, and core principles. A deep comprehension of different GTM versions allows for selecting the most suitable approach for the research’s goals and objectives, ensuring robust theory generation.
Urban Design
sara salehi; Hassan sajadzadeh; Mohammad Saied Izadi; kasra ketabollahi
Highlights- The relationship between the city and the movies was addressed, and the cinematic sequences were evaluated.- Movie locations and the need to benefit from the diversity of urban spaces in Iran were addressed.- The streets of big cities in Iranian movies are places to pass through, not to attend.
The ...
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Highlights- The relationship between the city and the movies was addressed, and the cinematic sequences were evaluated.- Movie locations and the need to benefit from the diversity of urban spaces in Iran were addressed.- The streets of big cities in Iranian movies are places to pass through, not to attend.
The bond between the city and the movies is a two-way, strong one more than a century old. The movies has always been defined with respect to the city and urban spaces since the first days of its creation—late 19th century.
If the audience perceives urban spaces as having various functions and appropriate spatial qualities in the movie, the perception is associated with the real space and causes different feedbacks than those spaces in the long term.
Despite the increasing global desire to use the cinematic image of the city to achieve various layers of information, the Iranian movies still fails to present a correct image of the city. The beating heart of every city, urban spaces are still not used in the Iranian movies in the general sense.
While large, important cities such as Paris, London, New York, and Berlin are always in a two-way relationship with the movies and urban spaces, where the city and the various relevant issues are always exposed to cinematic representations as everyday, critical, or praiseworthy matters, reflection on such issues is still heretical in Iran. Especially, critical reflection about Tehran, as the main location in the Iranian movies, has not received much attention. A way to understand the urban space is to represent the city, urban spaces, and the complex, contradictory whole using the movies. Therefore, the main purposes of this research are to 1- examine the characteristics of different periods of the Iranian movies from the beginning of its formation to 2019, 2- examine different dimensions of selected works of the Iranian fiction movies after the Islamic Revolution of 1978, 3- extract urban space creation criteria in the fiction movies works, and 4- represent the image of a more human-oriented urban space in the Iranian movies. The latter suggestion is made because it is assumed that the Iranian cinematographer can achieve a dialectic of indicating the positive and negative aspects of the existing spaces in the country’s cities by using the correct criteria for representation of urban spaces in the movies, thereby nurturing informed, insistent viewers and causing active measures on the part of environmental designers to create more humane spaces.
Theoretical Framework
The final criteria were evaluated with the methods of analyzing the content, watching the movie, and surveying the city in the movie. Based on the conceptual model, the final criteria include the following in the order specified from the filmmaker’s point of view: the qualities of the urban space in the movie, diversity in the use of urban spaces, method of payment for the place, types of urban space, and types of character. The criterion of diversity in urban spaces, which concerns the use of these spaces in different parts of the city (not only in a specific region) with the urban surveying method in the movie, seeks the diversity of urban spaces presented in the city of Tehran in the fiction movies of choice produced after the revolution, and the final map is generated in the GIS software. 5 more criteria were examined first in the most important movies produced after the revolution with the method of content analysis and movie watching.
In a comparative study, what can help the researcher to achieve his goal is greater emphasis on simultaneous analysis and examination of contrasts, as practiced in this research.
Findings and Discussion
All the above points indicate that the Iranian moviemaker still considers the city and its imposed modernity to be the source of many problems.
Another issue emphasized by Iranian moviemakers is to demonstrate the constant development of the city and its spaces regardless of the events of the story and peoples’ wishes. In some movies, no emphasis is placed on the urban space if actually depicted, and it is regarded simply as a background for the events of the story. All locations are focused on certain areas in Tehran and the like.
The results of the research demonstrate that we have not been very successful in creation of urban spaces in the past decades, and the few spaces that have been created and recreated have not been welcomed by cinematographers for various reasons. Moreover, the represented urban areas have been restricted to certain areas in Tehran, which has been subject to the conditions mentioned in the section on findings.
Furthermore, most of the selected movies in the fiction and urban fields were filmed in Tehran, and we are faced all around Iran with a pure centralism in terms of selection of the location of filming in urban spaces despite the availability of a variety thereof. This process should be corrected to address different aspects of various cities in Iran in fiction movies.
Urban Design
Farshad Nourian; Behnaz Aminzadeh; Mazyar Abaee
The urban design process has a vital role in the implemented result of urban design projects.
Bridging the theory-practice in urban design needs a combination of the implementation phase in the design process.
The gradual approach to the urban design process deals with a step-by-step ...
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The urban design process has a vital role in the implemented result of urban design projects.
Bridging the theory-practice in urban design needs a combination of the implementation phase in the design process.
The gradual approach to the urban design process deals with a step-by-step process combined with real-world implementation and feedbacks.
Although more than half a century has passed since the academic birth of urban design, it still suffers from ambiguities in theory and practice. Questions emerge such as the following. Can urban design be a definite discipline? Is urban design independent of urban planning, architecture, and landscape architecture? What is the role of urban design in the real world, and what is the final product? What is the appropriate process and the main toolboxes? Answers to these questions must be part of the common discourse of the field, definite answers to clarify all the ambiguities.
Theoretical Frameworks
Despite these ambiguities, urban design continues to be considered as an intellectual tradition. It plays a significant role in everyday human life, and remains a subject matter in many studies. In recent years, many urban projects have sought to create noble environments for people while providing economic benefits for the private sector and local governments. Some research has attempted to evaluate such projects. The results point to the fact that many such projects have failed to accomplish their stated goals. Theoretically, this appears to be the result of a theory-practice dichotomy.
However, there has been a gap in comprehensive research since the 1990s on the urban design process. Although several different parameters affect the implementation of designed projects, the urban design process may play a significant role in the end product. Hence, the question is what could be the relationship between the urban design process and on-the-ground project realization? A complementary question is whether we can manipulate the urban design process to achieve the stated design goals and realize the projects as intended. To answer these questions, we first present a literature review on the urban design process and then discuss the results of our examination of some implemented projects to find clues about how to handle the urban design process and solve the theory-practice dichotomy of urban design itself.
Urban design ambiguities can influence the urban design process as its central procedural dimension, which has implemented projects as its results. Although different parameters cooperate to make it troublesome to utilize a project, all designs are affected by the urban design process. Thus, the question concerns the relationship between the urban design process and project realization. It is also unknown whether we can manipulate the urban design process to ensure the realization of projects. In addition, based on the theory-practice dichotomy, we need to know whether the evaluation of urban design projects and their realization can give us a clue as to how to handle the urban design process. Therefore, we attempt to resolve theoretical ambiguity in urban design by examining some real-world projects. Here, we assume that the urban design process can also transfer theoretical ambiguities to real-world practice as a medium that canalizes theoretical knowledge to practice.
The research addresses many unknown topics and undefined parameters. Thus, it may not be possible to develop a specific theoretical framework with a clear list of measurable criteria to meet the research goals through a classified research method. Our literature review leads to a framework that points to a relationship between the subject matters. This framework is not exhaustive because our research does not rely on quantitative measurements and focuses on experience with the subject.
Therefore, the study is restricted to qualitative research. Due to the uncertainties about the topics, a theoretical interpretation is made of the literature based on qualitative research to develop a framework for an experimental approach to the issue. Content analysis and action research lead us to calibration of the framework. The result provides an ultimate configuration for a practical framework which can be an a priori model which can be calibrated to an ultimate model by experience. Such an experience clarifies the parameters and their relationships through direct contact with the research domain. Therefore, a model is created for the urban design process after the literature review, applicable to examination of operational experience. Finally, we observe that the process is not an ultimate one but can help us find an ultimate one based on the iteration of the a priori model.
Here, the case study addresses the master plan for the Abbasabad region in Tehran. We use this project as the subject of our content analysis. The project is examined through the documents, i.e., reports, administrative correspondences, and proceedings, based on the meetings of cultural and technical committees.
The documents are analysed in MaxQda. The keywords used in the software include project, realization, process, ratification, Article 5 Commission, master plan, specific plan, implementation, and construction. After the first search in the documents, the useless words are eliminated, and the search is carried out again for their classification. The results are analyzed interpretively. Next, another project–i.e., design of the southern Kan area–is used as a case study implemented on the ground.
Results and discussion
The generalization of the incremental process can be explained theoretically, but the experimental proof requires more cases and several, repeated experimental applications of the process. Practical application of the process can calibrate the framework to a more realistic one. The result of the theoretical explanation is that the general format of the process can change over time to turn to a complete model, other models, or derivations of the present model.
In fact, a model is generated after the literature review calibration of which through experimental research leads to a design process.
The incremental process, as proposed in this paper, needs to be tested over time. The relationship between practice and implementation can be recognized through direct experimentation with the incremental process. However, the relationship between implementation and theory (following that between theory and practice) can be recognized through research methods such as design studies. This can demonstrate how theoretical knowledge can be converted to the practical material of projects.
Acknowledgment: The article has been derived from the Ph.D. thesis entitled Revisiting the Urban Design Process with a Focus on Implementation of Projects, which has been defended by the third author under the first author’s supervision and the second author’s advisory at the University of Tehran.
We should thank Naghshe Jahan-Pars Consulting Co. And Gozineh Consulting Co. for providing us with the materials for the two case study projects of Abbas Abad Region Master Plan and Southern Kan Area Design, respectively.
Urban Design
Seyed Mojtaba Safdarnejad; Seyed Abdolhadi Daneshpour; Mostafa Behzadfar
Highlights · Playing various diverse roles by rivers and their abundant quality values for humans and their habitats · Utilizing the competitive advantage of urban rivers according to a ...
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Highlights · Playing various diverse roles by rivers and their abundant quality values for humans and their habitats · Utilizing the competitive advantage of urban rivers according to a comprehensive planning and a holistic, multi-sectoral, intelligent, and creative management · Necessity of paying attention to the core characteristics of the rivers and their use as character shaping components of public places based on urban rivers in planning and design process 1. Introduction Rivers have been effective in the location, appearance, and development of settlements, everywhere including in Iran, and have offered them various qualities. The current problem of water in the country has emphasized the issue of water quality and health of rivers. However, simultaneous protection of rivers, response to the concern of how to handle them in the development of settlements, and utilization of this gift to the benefit of the public requires an identification of their dimensions, functions, and values within different branches of science. Recognition of the importance of rivers, along with avoidance of an incomprehensive view in their planning, management, and exploitation, provides a collective consensus among the people, officials, and professionals, which paves the way for the use of rivers to improve the quality of life. 2. Theoretical Framework By reviewing the functions, values, and qualities of rivers, while emphasizing the need for their protection, this study seeks to re-examine and re-emphasize their importance for settlements and their inhabitants and the need for comprehensive consideration of these natural phenomena. It also highlights the need to change attitudes toward rivers and avoid sectoral planning and management in different scales and systems of study, and indicates the importance of adopting a comprehensive view. In the context of urban design, the study explains the central role of rivers in distinguishing public places. Accordingly, the primary purposes of the research are to review and account for the functions, values, and qualities of rivers for settlements and to explain the dimensions of river-centeredness in cities and public places. The secondary purposes are to account for the different dimensions of urban rivers in accordance with the systems of study in different branches of science and to explain the necessity of adopting a holistic approach in confrontation with urban rivers. The review of the research literature indicates that most studies have examined aspects of the role and value of rivers along with their focuses. Specifically, domestic studies have not attempted to comprehensively investigate the issue, and involve minor references to certain functions or qualities of rivers. In addition, these studies have not examined the centrality of rivers in settlements and public places. 3. Methodology This developmental-applied research seeks to reform the attitudes and perspectives of urban management professionals and experts in river-related branches of science (including urban planning and design) and to note the importance of a holistic view for their protection and use by reviewing the roles and functions of rivers and their qualities and values for humans and settlements. In addition, the present study attempts to investigate the centrality of the river in public places that are based on this natural phenomenon. It is based on the empiricism paradigm and a qualitative approach, where the method of multi-case study is adopted to examine the status of theoretical concepts extracted from the literature in order to collect the necessary data for description, analysis, and comparison of the case samples along with field surveys. 4. Results and Discussion The present study has examined the related literature including field surveys conducted in different Iranian cities with rivers, identified, formulated, and presented the roles and functions/values and qualities of the river as environmental/ecological, physical/spatial, functional, economic, social/cultural, perceptual and psychological, legal, geographical, and other systems of study, and shown the scopes of investigation of various branches of science for them. In addition, it has introduced the multiple dimensions of rivers and indicated the necessity of overhaul and metamorphosis treatment of rivers due to their multifaceted nature after provision of the required framework within river-related branches of science. On the one hand, the study has identified the items that can be inferred as differentiating factors in river-based public places using river characteristics with logical conclusions drawn from river roles/functions/values/qualities. On the other hand, the findings confirm that water and its effects and characteristics (i.e. the status of the river as basis) are the most important factors used for distinguishing river-centered public places from others. Therefore, it is necessary in the planning and design of such places to consider the central features of the river and use them as components that shape the distinct personality of the place. Thus, effectiveness of the river and river-centeredness in public places with rivers as basis at sustainable place-making requires particular concern for activity and attempt, function and use, climatic comfort, economic competitiveness, social interaction, identity and culture, energy supply, education and culture, landscaping, physical and mental well-being, self-actualization, pedestrianism, meaning creation, infrastructure, appearance and landscape, internal cohesion, external cohesion, and connection with the nature. 5. Conclusion Playing numerous, diverse roles, rivers provide many values and qualities for the settlements involving them and their inhabitants. Although Iran is located mostly in arid and semi-arid climates, many of its settlements experience the presence of small and large rivers, permanent and seasonal. Taking advantage of this opportunity and enjoying such qualities and values as a competitive advantage requires a well-codified, comprehensive plan and transcendental, intelligent, creative management. The results of the research demonstrate that most of the interviewees believe that the river can be used as a public place provided that the required training is offered to users, and proper planning, design, and maintenance is established under the supervision of the government and urban management as designated domains for the river free of the risk of damaging it. Potential applications of this research include the integration of planning, design, and management of rivers, sustainable place-making and reconstruction with a focus on rivers, revision of urban development documents, and revision of the relevant laws. Acknowledgement The present article has been developed based on the PhD dissertation of Seyed Mojtaba Safdarnejad in Urban Planning, entitled Regeneration of Urban Rivers as Sustainable Public Places, in progress at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Iran University of Science and Technology under supervision of Dr. Sayed Abdolhadi Daneshpour and advisory of Dr. Mustafa Behzadfar. Highlights 1. Playing various diverse roles by rivers and their abundant quality values for humans and their habitats 2- Utilizing the competitive advantage of urban rivers according to a comprehensive planning and a holistic, multi-sectoral, intelligent, and creative management 3- Necessity of paying attention to the core characteristics of the rivers and their use as character shaping components of public places based on urban rivers in planning and design process
S R; M A; n z
Volume 3, Issue 10 , May 2014, , Pages 27-36
Human health has been an important issue in society. Modern society is increasingly aware that humans and culture are components of the natural environment. In this case, human health is inevitably linked to environmental conditions. Recent changes in urban life including increases in car and motor vehicle ...
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Human health has been an important issue in society. Modern society is increasingly aware that humans and culture are components of the natural environment. In this case, human health is inevitably linked to environmental conditions. Recent changes in urban life including increases in car and motor vehicle usage and environmental pollution make it an important issue that should be considered in the urban development process. Physical inactivity plays a crucial role in obesity leading to many illnesses such as diabetes which in turn often leads to kidney failure, heart disease, blindness, and amputations. A model based on physical activities is an important part of urban design and planning today. Drawing primarily on recent peer-reviewed literature in a broad range of subjects such as health, planning, and environmental fields, outlines the influence of design at three spatial scales of physical health, mental health and socio - cultural aspects. Enough evidence exists to support urban design as a powerful tool for improving human health and condition. Considering health as a pre-condition for the three dimension of sustainable development by the World Health Organization demonstrates that this matter is an important aspect of urban design and planning. Cars permit travel over greater distances between home and work. In addition to generating more air pollution, long commutes have been associated, in a small body of literature, with other adverse effects on human health and welfare. The main goal of this study emphasizes a pedestrian-oriented approach. In order to evaluate this approach, parameters were reviewed under two different criteria, physical –environmental and social- cultural (it is worth mentioning that these parameters have a physical aspect because of our aims in designing our case study). The research method was based on survey and field study operations. A questionnaire was completed by 200 people in “Motahary neighborhood” in Mashhad. The lack of physical activities in cities of developing countries and our city being a case in point means that important steps must be taken to counteract this issue. This paper shows that the provision of properly designed walkways through a mixed-use, human-scaled urban environment increases pedestrian activity. Neighborhood efforts in this direction will not only improve residents’ health through unstructured exercise, but also integrate marginalized sectors into urban life, and enhance the sense of place and community. These elements must be incorporated into relatively high-density neighborhood plans that include public buildings, open spaces, mixed land uses, and pedestrian walkways to increase physical exercise and enhance healthy civic life. Finally, neighborhoods must be embedded in existing urban infrastructure to provide wider cultural and business opportunities and reduce reliance on the automobile. “Motahary neighborhood” was selected as a case study and it is one of oldest neighborhoods in Mashhad. This paper concludes by presenting an urban design guideline in urban neighborhoods for improving human health taking into consideration its two dimensions: physical – environmental and social- cultural criteria. Finally, the recommended model was obtained from survey analysis and other data.
Islamic- Iranian Cities
a n; m h; s m
Volume 2, Issue 7 , July 2013, , Pages 31-46
Abstract Although the present study and the strengthening of social interaction issues prevalent in today's research world and Iran, But so far the theoretical foundations of Islam - Iranian has less profound investigated. This study aims religious rulings and interpretations of Quran ...
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Abstract Although the present study and the strengthening of social interaction issues prevalent in today's research world and Iran, But so far the theoretical foundations of Islam - Iranian has less profound investigated. This study aims religious rulings and interpretations of Quran and traditions of the (Citing sources and interpretation of Shiite thinkers and according to historical Islamic documents – Iran) Investigatied specializes in architecture and Urbanism and find principles and practical methods for them. This article was Completed in order to identify the principles, because in the field of religious studies, (have on the diversity and multiplicity of methods) so to answer the question have been used the model of interdisciplinary studies. Type the prevailing methodology of the research is analytical – logical. In this regard among the traditional cities of the same order of social, cultural and religious diversity are significant, Kerman city is selected. Human social life forms one of the important aspects Islamic values, today, with the emergence of a new culture of human communities has been neglected. To restore these values in the contemporary urban, they may need to regenerate to become the expert in urban science. This work, with a statement of each principle and the description of its different aspects and realizing the potential contradictions that today occur begins. The purpose of this paper, is the issues of Islamic urbanism and obtaining the principles for urban designers.The method used in this paper is referred to Islam and deduced and logical reasoning. By Study the Foundations of Religious texts and Compared with the traditional and historical construction of one side and the new requirements in another side, the general values and principles in Islam be achieved for excellence of human in city, neighborhood and house. The most important fundamentals and principles derived from the visible structure in the Islamic living environment of these values in the whole city, such as: attention the religious rituals, The need to promote public participation in strengthening interactions, to consider religious rituals, Respect the rights of other citizens, in every type of construction, prohibition the construction of detriment to others, and attention the Afaf in the design of urban spaces can be considered. In the choice of the Muslim neighborhood, relationship and social organization of a neighborhood is the most important principles of Islamic urbanism. And yet houses are the most of the private and family privacy, and their respect and independence should not be affected by any interference from neighbor or apart from all that houses appear arrogantly. This study investigates the impact of human interaction in implementing strategies to strengthen the religion community pays. Finally, the above principles in regard to the issues have been considered. And also at the end, we have Islamic homes, neighborhood and city that architects and urban planners act with sufficient knowledge of theoretical and practical wisdom of Islam in the area of environmental planning and design of human. Obviously, the other elements of the City, such as laws, managers and citizens should follow the Islamic principles.