ISSN: 2717-4417

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of architectural and Urbanism, Faculty of Architectural Engineering and Urbanism, Shahrood University of Technology (SUT), Shahroood. Iran.


A significant relationship between privacy variable and residential quality.
The effect of the type of building complexes on the amount of privacy and quality of residence
The proper construction condition of the tower compared to the surrounding, scattered and linear species in terms of privacy and quality of residence.
Impact of ownership status and gender on the quality of residence and privacy.
Correlation between the quality of residence variable and the sense of belonging to the place.
With rising urban populations and migration to major cities, there is a growing demand for apartment living, often with little attention to psychological and social needs. Political, economic, and social pressures affect both construction patterns and human behavior, leading to residential environments where quantity is often prioritized over quality. The primary hypothesis of this research is that privacy (the independent variable) plays a vital role in enhancing residence quality (the dependent variable). The lack of privacy considerations has resulted in social isolation, diminished human values, and a decline in social and ecological qualities within residential complexes. This points to a critical need for research on how privacy can improve living quality and foster community in densely populated urban areas.
The study focuses on Mashhad, where the preservation of privacy and social interaction—especially in religious contexts—is essential. It aims to investigate how privacy in modern residential complexes can create a favorable living environment, enhance social interactions, and promote a strong sense of belonging.
Theoretical Framework
Ensuring privacy within residential complexes not only increases security but also facilitates neighborly interactions. In Western studies, privacy is often associated with personal space and territoriality, framed within the context of security and individual rights. In this research, privacy encompasses both physical and social dimensions, affecting residents’ satisfaction and well-being. Creating personal spaces and controlling spatial boundaries provides individuals with a sense of autonomy, though privacy needs vary across cultures.
Adhering to privacy principles can enhance the physical and social dimensions of a residence, ultimately contributing to a better quality of life. Privacy thus emerges as a key social and psychological component of residential design; when effectively integrated, it strengthens social bonds, fosters communication, and improves residents’ quality of life.
This study employs an operational research model based on indicators of privacy and residence quality. Privacy is analyzed through individual-social, moral-belief, and behavioral-functional dimensions, while residence quality is assessed in terms of perceptual-emotional, physical-functional, and social-activity factors. To ensure validity, the questionnaire was reviewed by 25 experts, and reliability was tested on a sample of 40 individuals from the target population.
Data analysis was performed using regression and path analysis through SPSS software. The statistical population consisted of residents from four residential complexes in Mashhad, each representing a distinct architectural type: Venus (centralized), Farhangian (scattered), Pars (peripheral), and Zanbag (linear). The sample size for each complex type was determined using the Cochran formula.
Results and Discussion
The findings indicate a significant relationship between the physical-functional aspect of residence quality and privacy. Furthermore, privacy and residence quality are positively correlated across all complexes, with varying levels of impact depending on the architectural configuration.
Gender differences significantly influence perceptions of privacy and residence quality, with male and female residents exhibiting distinct privacy expectations. The study also highlights the importance of individual-social privacy, which strengthens community bonds and enhances a sense of belonging. A notable correlation was found between the perceptual-emotional dimension of residence quality and the behavioral-functional component of privacy.
Among the complex types, linear designs showed the lowest levels of physical and functional quality. Privacy in these complexes is often compromised due to inadequately placed entrances, insufficient natural screening, and poor spatial hierarchies. Conversely, scattered and centralized designs generally foster better privacy, contributing to higher levels of resident satisfaction.
The study underscores the importance of privacy in enhancing residence quality in residential complexes. It suggests that privacy should be considered a form of social capital, particularly in cultural and religious settings. Privacy and residence quality are positively correlated, indicating that privacy-sensitive architectural strategies can enhance the social, physical, and functional dimensions of residence.
When privacy considerations are well integrated, residents experience greater physical and social satisfaction. The solitary configuration emerged as the most favorable in terms of privacy and residence quality. However, linear complexes frequently fail to meet privacy needs due to issues such as open spatial arrangements, lack of controlled entry, and minimal natural screening. These findings suggest that residential design should prioritize privacy-sensitive transitions from public to private spaces, incorporate adequate vegetation, and maintain controlled entry points to create a balanced, high-quality living environment.


Main Subjects

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