ISSN: 2717-4417

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.

2 Faculty of Urban Planning, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.




Emphasizing phenomenological place quality as a more adaptive and responsive evaluation model compared to current top-down urban regeneration strategies.
Advocating a phenomenological approach that reflects the perspectives of residents who experience the place firsthand.
Proposing approaches free from technocratic biases to ensure urban interventions align with the real needs of the community.

The Abkooh neighborhood, once a rural village west of Mashhad, now faces critical urban challenges that have prompted various interventions aimed at revitalization. Initially, Abkooh was located seven kilometers from Mashhad, remaining a rural area until its formal inclusion within the city limits in 1972 as part of Mashhad’s comprehensive urban development plan. However, as the neighborhood evolved within the expanding city, it experienced substantial socio-economic, physical, and legal issues, largely due to its incompatibility with surrounding urban areas. Legal disputes involving prominent landowners, Astan Quds and Awqaf, have further exacerbated these challenges, deteriorating Abkooh’s quality of life and diminishing its integration with the city. Despite several development plans aimed at reinvigorating its identity, Abkooh today represents a vulnerable urban fabric, lacking essential qualities that contribute to a livable urban environment.Theoretical Framework
Deteriorated urban areas like Abkooh often evolve within a complex historical, social, and economic landscape, yet face structural and functional deficits that limit their livability. Unlike other urban spaces, improving place quality in such areas demands a context-sensitive approach with distinct intervention priorities. In this study, “place” is understood as more than a physical environment; it encompasses the lived experiences, cultural meanings, and social interactions that define it. Place quality, in this sense, refers to an amalgamation of characteristics that not only enhance the physical space but also fulfill residents' needs, improving their quality of life and fostering satisfaction.
The phenomenology of place quality emphasizes the exploration of lived experience, viewing place as a multidimensional concept shaped by social, emotional, and physical factors. Within deteriorated urban areas, this study examines place quality through five main dimensions: perceptual-semantic, physical, socio-economic, functional, and environmental. The phenomenological perspective allows for a more profound understanding of these qualities by considering the personal and collective experiences of residents.
This research begins with an extensive review of theoretical approaches to place quality in deteriorated urban areas. The secondary research phase involved analyzing relevant national and international academic works published since 2000 using MAXQDA2018 software. To ensure validity, survey methods and interviews with urban design experts were conducted. The subsequent phase employs a first-person phenomenological approach, aiming to capture the lived experiences within Abkooh.
Over five weeks, researchers conducted site visits twice daily, in the mornings and evenings, each lasting three hours. Observational field notes, semi-structured interviews, audio recordings, and handwritten accounts were used to document resident experiences, drawing upon participant-observation techniques. Qualitative content analysis, supported by MAXQDA2018, enabled the systematic exploration of interview data. Additional data collection methods, including participatory observation, photography, and sketching, were employed to create a comprehensive record of findings.
Results and Discussion
The research findings reveal significant challenges and opportunities within the Abkooh neighborhood regarding place quality. Analyzing these factors through the Abkooh Quality of Urban Life Improvement Plan underscores the limitations of conventional evaluation methods. Specifically, library-based studies or expert-driven priorities alone fail to provide a realistic assessment of place quality in deteriorated urban areas. Phenomenological approaches, which respond to the unique attributes of each location, yield more precise and contextually appropriate insights.
The phenomenological evaluation identified six key dimensions that influence place quality in Abkooh: socio-economic, legal-management, physical, perceptual-semantic, environmental, and functional. Notably, the presence of a legal-management dimension is an essential addition due to the legal complexities surrounding land ownership in Abkooh. Furthermore, findings indicated that the prioritization of these dimensions varied throughout the three phases of research, underscoring the importance of flexible and adaptable strategies in urban intervention.
Effective urban planning in deteriorated neighborhoods like Abkooh must prioritize the relationship between individuals and place, focusing on the unique qualities and challenges of each neighborhood. Understanding place quality necessitates immersing oneself in the essence of the neighborhood without preconceived notions or standardized frameworks. Therefore, each deteriorated urban context must be approached as a unique phenomenon, evaluated through the eyes of its residents rather than solely through expert-driven or theory-based models.
Phenomenological methods highlight the distinctive attributes of place quality that may differ from theoretical or authority-led approaches. Simply relying on checklists and criteria derived from theoretical models or global best practices often fails to capture the complex reality of place quality in deteriorated urban contexts. By focusing on the lived experiences of residents, phenomenological approaches yield a deeper understanding of how urban spaces are perceived and experienced, leading to recommendations that more accurately align with community needs.
Incorporating this resident-centered perspective in planning processes enables cities to develop more inclusive and livable environments that address the specific needs and desires of inhabitants. By preventing gentrification and fostering a sense of belonging, phenomenological approaches encourage long-term resident retention and community cohesion, allowing neighborhoods to evolve without losing their identity.


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