ISSN: 2717-4417

Document Type : Research Paper


Lecture, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran



Bioethics can serve as a basis for creating a global ethical habitat and as a real space of justice and a new metanarrative. This article has been compiled with the aim of identifying and determining the dimensions of social justice and its relevance and impact on the biological ethics of Ardabili citizens. The current descriptive-analytical research based on Cochran's formula, among 529374 citizens of Ardabili, 383 People have Been determined as a statistical sample. Then, 40 research questions with a Likert scale for 20 items were provided to the statistical sample. In order to complete the research, a combined model (factor analysis, model) was used, the data was first analyzed through spss software version 20 with the factor analysis method and then through the model. The results showed: based on the factor analysis, fairness, equality, need, economic individualism have the greatest to least effect on citizens' bioethics, respectively. The output of the Waspas model also showed that the urban areas: one, two, five, three, four have obtained the highest to the lowest amount of social justice criteria, respectively. Region 1 has developed about 50% of the components in itself. The rest of the urban areas have performed below average, so that only about 38% of social justice dimensions have been realized in the four urban areas.The rest of the urban areas have performed below average, so that only about 38% of social justice dimensions have been realized in the four urban areas.The rest of the urban areas have performed below average, so that only about 38% of social justice dimensions have been realized in the four urban areas.


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