ISSN: 2717-4417

Document Type : Research Paper



The historic and valuable fabric of Oudlajaan district is not meeting the daily needs of its residents due to excessive deterioration of building structures and lack of adequate infrastructure and welfare facilities. For this reason, the indigenous population of this region gradually immigrate to the places with better facilities and new lower-income immigrants from other parts replace them. This causes social and cultural instability in the fabric which will only increase over time. There is no cultural harmony in the fabric of Oudlajaan district and neighborhood areas. Social harmony has been significantly weakened because of loss of its identity and originality. Immigration of native people from this historic region has led to a reduction in social values, nostalgia and a sense of belonging of people to the fabric of the city. Abandoned areas in Oudlajaan district have turned into places for anti-social activities. Renovation and rehabilitation of the district is needed because of the various problems of the old fabric of the city, departure of native people, change from efficient residential buildings to less efficient ones, inadequate welfare facilities and infrastructure, poor communication network facilities, lack of sufficient roads, and abundant social problems; all of which affect the stability of the area. In this research, information was collected by means of observation, photography, required map preparation, and interviews with the residents. The quantitative and qualitative information were analyzed by SWOT technique in the framework of intra-regional factors (weak and strong links) and inter regional factors (threats and opportunities).  After identifying weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats, they were evaluated as a whole to acquire guidelines and methods for restoring historic structures. Graphing the sum total of weak points, strength points, opportunities, and threats  coefficients showed that external causes and the outer environment have an impact on the durability of Oudlajaan district rather than internal and inner factors. In this regard, the adapted strategies could be utilized to increase and enhance the functional-corporal durability of Oudlajan district.
The adaptive guidelines are:
-Compilation of plans for renewal and restoration of valuable and historic places to prevent the deterioration of building structures and increase the physical and structural durability of buildings.
-Functional change in historic and valuable buildings to lodging and cultural activities to prevent old building from becoming warehouses and workshops.
-Revitalization and strengthening of the district and its valuable buildings and cultural spaces, lowering the amount of work undertaken in restoration and preparation processes by the Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization.
-Inviting investors to contribute by reinforcing investments via bonuses for the renovation of deteriorated districts.
-Invite residents to participate in renewal and remediation plans. 
an internal and inner factors. In this regard, the adapted strategies could be utilized to increase and enhance the functional-corporal durability of Oudlajan district.


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