ISSN: 2717-4417

Before uploading their manuscripts, authors are required to read the authors’ instructions to ensure that their articles are prepared in accordance with the terms and conditions required by the journal for the initial assessment. Authors should also sign a copy of the “Authors’ agreement and commitment form” and upload it at the same time with the manuscript.


Publication Ethics

Motaleate Shahri is adheres to Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) principles. Before submitting their manuscript, authors are required to ensure that the publication ethics of scientific articles are considered in their work, and sign the “authors’ agreement and commitment form” to confirm it (for more information, see the “Publication Ethics” section).


Publication charges and payment process

As Motaleate Shahri charges a publication fee, the authors are advised to read the “publication charges and payment procedures” carefully before uploading their manuscripts (for more information, See the “Article Publication Charges” section)


Review process

The review process of manuscripts submitted to Motaleate Shahri is as follows: All articles are initially reviewed by the editorial board of the journal. Papers approved by the editorial board will be sent to two expert reviewers. The review process in Motaleate Shahri is double blind. If both expert reviewers approve the article, it will be accepted for publication. If the article is approved by one reviewer but rejected by the other, the vote of the third reviewer will specify that the manuscript would be accepted or rejected (see "Peer-review Process", for more information).


Principles of Authorship

All authors must participate in research and article writing, and they must be responsible for all the content provided in the article. The names of individuals and organizations that have not directly contributed to the article but have influenced the research should be mentioned in acknowledgment. (In articles with more than one author), all authors should agree on designating a corresponding author (for future follow-up and correspondence), and agree on the order of authorship. The corresponding author must upload the “authors’ agreement and commitment form”, signed by all authors of the article, at the same time with submitting the manuscript. With signing this form the authors confirm the research originality, authors’ contribution, the order of authors’ names, adherence to publication ethics and declarations of all interests to avoid any conflict of interests (Click here to download the “Authors’ agreement and commitment form”).

The corresponding author will be responsible for all the follow-ups and correspondence of the article (from manuscript submission to the subsequent notification of journal). 

Authorship Agreement forms

 For Authors' convenience, all commitment and confirmation items are included in one form and need to be signed once. For more details, authors can contact the journal via email (Click here to download the “Authors’ agreement and commitment form”)


Manuscript writing format, submission and preparation guidelines

In line with the journal policies, the journal publishes only qualitative studies which are descriptive in nature and requires authors’ critical analysis. The journal rejects those studies which test pre-set hypotheses through statistical measurement or the studies whose results and interpretations are based on the data of the questionnaire, or formulas. Quantitative studies and review papers just compiling previous studies will not be accepted.