- Amini, E., Boroumand, M. and Rouhafza, F., (2013). Evaluation of factors affecting the increase in the quality of public spaces in new cities, case study: new town of Parand.Quarterly of Amayesh e Mohit, NO. 26, 89-110. [in Persian].
- Aragonés, J., Francescato, G. and Garling, T., (2002). Residential Environments: Choice, Satisfaction and Behavior. Bergin & Garvey, London.
- Bentley, I., Alcock, A., Murrain, P., McGlynn, S. and Smith, G., (2011). Responsive Environments a Manual For Designers. Iran University of Science and Technology press,
- Carmona, E., (2009). public places urban spaces. Tehran University of Art, Tehran
- Carr, S., Francis, M., Rivlin, LG. and Stone, AM., (1992). Public Space. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.,
- Foroutan, A. and Beigi, Sh., (2011). Gonbad-Kavoos: History, Land, Culture, Conduct. ,
- Francis, M., (2003). Urban open space: Designing for user needs. Island Press, Washington D.C.,
- Gehl, J., (1987). Life Between Building: Using Public Space. . New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.,
- Googleearth, (2016). Google earth V Gonbad Kavus, Iran. 37° 15’ 28.69”N, 55° 10’ 08.47”E, Eye alt 1377 feet. Digital Globe 2016. http://www.earth.google.com, 2016, April 16.
- Habibi, A., Izadiyar, S. and Sarafrazi, A., (2014). Fuzzy Multidisciplinary Decision Making. Katibeh Gil Publications,
- Habibi, M. and Behnamifard, F., (2016). Investigating the Responsibility of Urban Spaces to the Needs of the Adolescent Group (Case Study: Azadi Avenue, Karaj).journal of Nameh Memari va Shahrsazi, Tehran Art University, NO. 17, 139-54. [in Persian].
- Jacobs, J., (1993). Tod und Lebengrober Amerikanischer Stadte. Verlage uhlstein GmbH, Frankfurt.,
- Jalili, M., Einifar, A. and Talischi, G., (2013). Outdoor residential complexes and environmental response: A comparative study of three residential complexes in Hamedan.Journal of Honarhaye Ziba, NO. 4, 57-68. [in Persian].
- Kargar, T. and Gharahbaglou, M., (2015). The secret of the survival of the Jolfa Isfahan podium as a third place. Proceedings of Architectural and Sustainable Development, International Conference of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Infrastructure, 1-14. [in Persian].
- Kashanijou, K., (2006). The Importance of pedestrian Spaces in Third Millennium Cities.Journal of Jostarhaye Shahrsazi, NO. 17 & 18, 40-51. [in Persian].
- Kashanijou, K., (2010). Recognizing Theoretical Approaches to Urban Public Spaces.journal of Hoviyyat e Shahr, NO. 6, 95-106. [in Persian].
- Kokabi, A., (2007). Criteria for assessing the quality of urban life in urban centers.journal of Hoviyyat e Shahr, NO. 1, 75-86. [in Persian].
- Kokabi, A., Pourjafar, M. and Shabani, A., (2005). Planning the quality of urban life in Urban Centers, Definitions and Indicators.Journal of Jostarhaye Shahrsazi, NO. 12, 6-12. [in Persian].
- Lopes, M. and Camanho, A., (2013). Public Green Space Use and Consequences on Urban Vitality: An Assessment of European Cities.Springer Science Business Media journal, NO. 113, 3, 1-17.
- Lynch, K. and Hack, G., (1984). Site Planning. MIT Press, Cambridge.
- Mansournia, S., Qaraee, F. and Bahrami, B., (2016). Behavior settings of the approach to assessing the response rate of urban spaces.Quarterly Journal of Motaleat e Shahri, NO. 18, 77-90. [in Persian].
- Noghrehkar, A., Mozaffar, F. and Taghdir, S., (2014). Investigating the capabilities of architectural space to create a platform for responding to human needs from the perspective of Islam (Case study: Zinatolmolouk Shiraz and Boroujerdiha Houses of Kashan).Quarterly Journal of Motaleat Shahr, NO. 15, [in Persian].
- Pakzad, J., (2007). Garlic Thought in Urbanism (2): From quantity to quality. Omran e Shahrhaye Jadid Company, Tehran.
- Pasupuleti, R., (2013). Designing culturally responsive built environments in post disaster contexts: Tsunami affected fishing settlements in Tamilnadu, India.International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, NO. 6, 28-39.
- Rafiean, M., Taghvai, A., Khademi, M. and Alipour, R., (2012). A Comparative Study of Quality Measurement Approaches in Designing Urban Public Spaces.Journal of Anjoman e Elmi Memari va Shahrsazi e Iran, NO. 4, 35-43. [in Persian].
- Rastbin, S., Jafary, Y., Daram, Y. and Moazezi, A., (2012). Environmental between Relationship Realm Public in Life Urban of Continuation and Qualities.Baq e Nazar Journal, NO. 21, 35- 46. [in Persian].
- SadeghiMoghadam, M., Mousavi, N., Solgi, G. and Azimi, S., (2014). Recreating a Vibrant City Center in Response Urban Environments by Using AHP Model (Case Study: Qazvin City Historical Context in Iran). Sociology and Anthropology, 41-45.
- Sallis, J., Owen, N. and Fisher, E., (2008). Ecological Models of Health Behavior.Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, research, and practice, NO. 4, 465-85.
- Samimifar, F. and Hamzenejad, M., (2012). Validation of the New Principles of Social Stability by Relying on Islamic Ethics (in Residential Areas).Journal of Pazhouheshhaye Memari e Eslami, NO. 1, 121-37. [in Persian].
- Shokoyi, H., (2001). New Views in Urban Geography. Samt Publications, Tehran.
- Sotoudeh, S. and Aliabadi, M., (2015). Sustainable Architecture Responsible for Human Needs. International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Infrastructure, Proceedings of Architectural Engineering and Sustainable Development, 1-7. [in Persian].
- Suleimani, M. and Mandgari, K., (2015). Recognition of the principles of Yazd traditional houses in response to basic psychological needs; Based on the theory derived from the field.The Journal of Honarhaye Ziba, NO. 20, [in Persian].
- Uzzell, D., Pol, E. and Badenes, D., (2002). Place identification, social cohesion and environmental sustainability.Environment and Behavior, NO. 34, 1, 26-53.
- Whyte, W., (1980). The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces. The Conservation, Washington D.C.
- Wong, I., (2009). Creating a vibrant downtown.The Monieson Center Journal., NO. 5, 1-8.
Zucker, P., (1970). Town and Square; From the agora to the village Green. The MIT Press, Massachusetts.
- Amini, E., Boroumand, M. and Rouhafza, F., (2013). Evaluation of factors affecting the increase in the quality of public spaces in new cities, case study: new town of Parand.Quarterly of Amayesh e Mohit, NO. 26, 89-110. [in Persian].
- Aragonés, J., Francescato, G. and Garling, T., (2002). Residential Environments: Choice, Satisfaction and Behavior. Bergin & Garvey, London.
- Bentley, I., Alcock, A., Murrain, P., McGlynn, S. and Smith, G., (2011). Responsive Environments a Manual For Designers. Iran University of Science and Technology press,
- Carmona, E., (2009). public places urban spaces. Tehran University of Art, Tehran
- Carr, S., Francis, M., Rivlin, LG. and Stone, AM., (1992). Public Space. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.,
- Foroutan, A. and Beigi, Sh., (2011). Gonbad-Kavoos: History, Land, Culture, Conduct. ,
- Francis, M., (2003). Urban open space: Designing for user needs. Island Press, Washington D.C.,
- Gehl, J., (1987). Life Between Building: Using Public Space. . New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.,
- Googleearth, (2016). Google earth V Gonbad Kavus, Iran. 37° 15’ 28.69”N, 55° 10’ 08.47”E, Eye alt 1377 feet. Digital Globe 2016. http://www.earth.google.com, 2016, April 16.
- Habibi, A., Izadiyar, S. and Sarafrazi, A., (2014). Fuzzy Multidisciplinary Decision Making. Katibeh Gil Publications,
- Habibi, M. and Behnamifard, F., (2016). Investigating the Responsibility of Urban Spaces to the Needs of the Adolescent Group (Case Study: Azadi Avenue, Karaj).journal of Nameh Memari va Shahrsazi, Tehran Art University, NO. 17, 139-54. [in Persian].
- Jacobs, J., (1993). Tod und Lebengrober Amerikanischer Stadte. Verlage uhlstein GmbH, Frankfurt.,
- Jalili, M., Einifar, A. and Talischi, G., (2013). Outdoor residential complexes and environmental response: A comparative study of three residential complexes in Hamedan.Journal of Honarhaye Ziba, NO. 4, 57-68. [in Persian].
- Kargar, T. and Gharahbaglou, M., (2015). The secret of the survival of the Jolfa Isfahan podium as a third place. Proceedings of Architectural and Sustainable Development, International Conference of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Infrastructure, 1-14. [in Persian].
- Kashanijou, K., (2006). The Importance of pedestrian Spaces in Third Millennium Cities.Journal of Jostarhaye Shahrsazi, NO. 17 & 18, 40-51. [in Persian].
- Kashanijou, K., (2010). Recognizing Theoretical Approaches to Urban Public Spaces.journal of Hoviyyat e Shahr, NO. 6, 95-106. [in Persian].
- Kokabi, A., (2007). Criteria for assessing the quality of urban life in urban centers.journal of Hoviyyat e Shahr, NO. 1, 75-86. [in Persian].
- Kokabi, A., Pourjafar, M. and Shabani, A., (2005). Planning the quality of urban life in Urban Centers, Definitions and Indicators.Journal of Jostarhaye Shahrsazi, NO. 12, 6-12. [in Persian].
- Lopes, M. and Camanho, A., (2013). Public Green Space Use and Consequences on Urban Vitality: An Assessment of European Cities.Springer Science Business Media journal, NO. 113, 3, 1-17.
- Lynch, K. and Hack, G., (1984). Site Planning. MIT Press, Cambridge.
- Mansournia, S., Qaraee, F. and Bahrami, B., (2016). Behavior settings of the approach to assessing the response rate of urban spaces.Quarterly Journal of Motaleat e Shahri, NO. 18, 77-90. [in Persian].
- Noghrehkar, A., Mozaffar, F. and Taghdir, S., (2014). Investigating the capabilities of architectural space to create a platform for responding to human needs from the perspective of Islam (Case study: Zinatolmolouk Shiraz and Boroujerdiha Houses of Kashan).Quarterly Journal of Motaleat Shahr, NO. 15, [in Persian].
- Pakzad, J., (2007). Garlic Thought in Urbanism (2): From quantity to quality. Omran e Shahrhaye Jadid Company, Tehran.
- Pasupuleti, R., (2013). Designing culturally responsive built environments in post disaster contexts: Tsunami affected fishing settlements in Tamilnadu, India.International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, NO. 6, 28-39.
- Rafiean, M., Taghvai, A., Khademi, M. and Alipour, R., (2012). A Comparative Study of Quality Measurement Approaches in Designing Urban Public Spaces.Journal of Anjoman e Elmi Memari va Shahrsazi e Iran, NO. 4, 35-43. [in Persian].
- Rastbin, S., Jafary, Y., Daram, Y. and Moazezi, A., (2012). Environmental between Relationship Realm Public in Life Urban of Continuation and Qualities.Baq e Nazar Journal, NO. 21, 35- 46. [in Persian].
- SadeghiMoghadam, M., Mousavi, N., Solgi, G. and Azimi, S., (2014). Recreating a Vibrant City Center in Response Urban Environments by Using AHP Model (Case Study: Qazvin City Historical Context in Iran). Sociology and Anthropology, 41-45.
- Sallis, J., Owen, N. and Fisher, E., (2008). Ecological Models of Health Behavior.Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, research, and practice, NO. 4, 465-85.
- Samimifar, F. and Hamzenejad, M., (2012). Validation of the New Principles of Social Stability by Relying on Islamic Ethics (in Residential Areas).Journal of Pazhouheshhaye Memari e Eslami, NO. 1, 121-37. [in Persian].
- Shokoyi, H., (2001). New Views in Urban Geography. Samt Publications, Tehran.
- Sotoudeh, S. and Aliabadi, M., (2015). Sustainable Architecture Responsible for Human Needs. International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Infrastructure, Proceedings of Architectural Engineering and Sustainable Development, 1-7. [in Persian].
- Suleimani, M. and Mandgari, K., (2015). Recognition of the principles of Yazd traditional houses in response to basic psychological needs; Based on the theory derived from the field.The Journal of Honarhaye Ziba, NO. 20, [in Persian].
- Uzzell, D., Pol, E. and Badenes, D., (2002). Place identification, social cohesion and environmental sustainability.Environment and Behavior, NO. 34, 1, 26-53.
- Whyte, W., (1980). The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces. The Conservation, Washington D.C.
- Wong, I., (2009). Creating a vibrant downtown.The Monieson Center Journal., NO. 5, 1-8.
- Zucker, P., (1970). Town and Square; From the agora to the village Green. The MIT Press, Massachusetts.