ISSN: 2717-4417

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. in Architecture, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.



It is already inevitable to address the issue of meaning and to discover the deep semantic layers in social, cultural, and artistic areas and also in architecture. The observation that this has not been the case in regard to urban spaces and architecture has put an emphasis on the requirement for use of intellectual and philosophical methods depending on meaning with a critical, profound attitude. One of the most important such methods is the semiotic approach examining a wide range of phenomena. Therefore, a link was established in this research between the role of semiotics and the quality of the historic monument known as Sa'd al-Saltaneh in the city of Qazvin, Iran through the use of the semiotics methodology for finding the place-making elements. Used as a caravanserai in the Qajar era, the monument has continued to function in a novel form as a dynamic urban space after reconstructed in the past few years, Due to the citizens’ continuous visits and sense of belonging to the place, it presents its particular space features, turning the search for surrounding space concepts into a subject to be contemplated. It is assumed that use of semiotics can lead to a more accurate interpretation of the place and promoted space quality as a supplementary role. In other words, the place-making elements, developed as a result of the visitors’ experience and sensory perception are studied   with respect to the building and its context of location in the transition from semiotics. The method of semiotics used in this research takes the form of an analytical method, which makes contemplation and manifestation in the semantic domain possible through prioritization of the background and concentration on interpretation of the visitors’ mental presumptions in confrontation with the work.
In fact, it becomes perfectly possible through semiotic contemplation in the process of transforming and understanding a sign into a meaningful sign, referred to here as promotion of space into place, to refer to mental presumptions and learn about the historical, social, and cultural context that influences the perception of a rich image of the place in the audience’s mind while relying on his sensory perceptions and experiences in a deeper interpretation.
According to the stated hypothesis, the purpose of the present research is to identify the factors pertaining to the concept of place with a semiotic perspective and the descriptive-analytical method, next adapted to Sa'd al-Saltaneh historic monument using observations, interviews, questionnaires, and cognitive maps through croquis drawing after explanation of the above factors by means of semiotics. In the above questionnaire, sample size was obtained by the Cochran formula, and data analysis was made using SPSS 20 through presentation of data frequency and mean and Spearman’s test of correlation. The research results indicate the importance of the role of semiotics in the search for the factors promoting space to place, such as consideration of the context and adaptation to the environment, meaningfulness, cultural and social values, the identity and durability of the space, and memorability. The study also involved an examination and realization of the above factors in different relations between the individual and the place from the perspective of considering the semiotics of perception, historical, cultural, and social memory, and audience mentality.


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 URL1: Google Maps (7, 15, 2017): maps/place/Sa'd al-Saltaneh+ Caravanserai
URL2: Qazvin Municipalitie )6, 20, 2018):