Document Type : Research Paper
Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch, Iran.
The continued acceleration of the urbanization process around the world has led to the aggravation of environmental problems and natural environments through standard placement and according to nature-friendly solutions. At the same time, they play an important role in the overall health of urban communities, increasing different populations, such as improving air quality. Reduction of carbon and increase of biodiversity, which are the main factors in the quality of urban life in today's cities. The focus is on integrating biophilic design principles.The current research was applied in terms of purpose and qualitative nature with a systematic review and qualitative meta-composite using an inductive perspective, as suggested by Sandelowski and Barroso. We conducted a systematic literature search in two Semantic Scholar databases and the Web Of Science website in recent years, with an update of 2023, and the results of each study were analyzed using inductive coding in MaxQDA software.The studies conducted are between 2017 and 2023. The most selected studies in this research belong to 2020, with 36%. The inductive codes of this research were categorized in the form of five main environmental, social, economic, functional, and physical categories and were identified according to the degree of concept similarity in the form of 12 sub-categories. According to the degree of similarity of the sub-categories, they reached 28 indicators. Our study showed that the quality of biophilic placemaking can be related to different levels of connection with nature and human understanding. The literature reports biophilicity and placemaking as independent phenomena, but our results tell a different story, showing that they are actually intertwined and related to environmental quality. This study aims to clarify the search for places that occur between people and natural environments so that future research can use new ideas called biophilic placemaking.
Main Subjects