ISSN: 2717-4417
Urban Design
An analytical study of sensory richness in recognizing the urban space of Hafez Street in Shiraz, with a focus on the senses of smell and taste: a Case Study of Hafez Street, Shiraz

Maryam Roosta; mahsa sholeh; Negin Amiri

Volume 12, Issue 48 , October 2023, , Pages 29-42

  Highlights- Sense walking and in-depth interviews were used to analyze the richness of smell and taste senses in urban space.- The experience of the senses of smell and taste and the dimension of time and place mutually affect each other.- The richness of the senses of smell and taste affects the enhancement ...  Read More

Urban Design
Measuring the Emotional Response of Users in Urban Spaces using Physiological-Perceptual Method

Faeze Rahmani Jami; Maryam Mohammadi

Volume 12, Issue 47 , June 2023, , Pages 3-18

  HighlightsIntroducing the methods of measuring emotions and emotional response in urban spaces and examining the advantages and disadvantages and the validity of each method.Developing a mixed method for measuring emotions in urban spaces.Identifying the physical and non-physical factors affecting users’ ...  Read More

Urban Design
Evaluating the representation of urban spaces in the selected works of Iranian cinema with a focus on public spaces in Tehran

sara salehi; Hassan sajadzadeh; Mohammad Saied Izadi; kasra ketabollahi

Volume 11, Issue 44 , October 2022, , Pages 17-30

  Highlights- The relationship between the city and the movies was addressed, and the cinematic sequences were evaluated.- Movie locations and the need to benefit from the diversity of urban spaces in Iran were addressed.- The streets of big cities in Iranian movies are places to pass through, not to attend. Introduction The ...  Read More

Urban Planning
Identification of the Effective Components to Improve the Quality of Urban Public Spaces for Children Regarding the Conceptual Model of the Right to the City (Case Study: Tehran)

Zahra Tamjidi; Zahra sadat saiedeh Zarabadi; Farah Habib

Volume 11, Issue 44 , October 2022, , Pages 115-130

  Highlights:- The right to the city is a human right that concerns citizens’ possession of the city and their participation in city affairs, regardless of age, gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, or religion.- Children are a group of citizens who should be considered in urban planning due to their ...  Read More

Urban Planning
Assessing the adaptation of urban spaces for persons with disabilities in Ardabil

Arastoo Yari hesar; samira saeidi zarangi; zhila Farzane sadat zaranji; Hadi eskandarieynadin

Volume 9, Issue 36 , November 2020, , Pages 117-132

  Individuals’ characteristics and those of age, sex, and social groups should help provide a safe, healthy, sustainable, and attractive environment that can properly respond to the different needs of all groups in the community. The population of the disabled, including people with physical and ...  Read More

perception of security in urban open space of Sorkheh Hesar park, Tehran

Alireza Karimi; hossein daneshmehr

Volume 8, Issue 31 , August 2019, , Pages 97-108

  Parks are regarded as constituting one of the most important spaces in Tehran, Iran. One of the oldest, largest parks in the city, Sorkhe-Hesar Forest Park, located at busy urban nodes, has unique functions. Optimal use of the space is possible when users feel secure therein. Although known as an extra-regional ...  Read More

Urban Design
Using Behavioral Map To analysis Urban Space case study Bu Ali Sina square in Hamedan

sajjad zolfigol; mehrdad Karimi moshaver

Volume 8, Issue 30 , May 2019, , Pages 97-108

  A quick view of the public spaces in each city would reveal the role of the square as a built environment. Assessment of “city life” involves a qualitative evaluation of different activities and the way different people perform them (group or individual activities, state of activities, the ...  Read More

Urban Design
Effective criteria on the formation of women’s image from favorable urban space (Case study: Tehran City)

Azin Hajiahmadi Hamedani; h m; l j

Volume 7, Issue 28 , November 2018, , Pages 3-16

  Evaluation of every environment’s image is not just the result of impressions made by its external attributes on the mind of the observer. It is, however, created by the imagination of the observer. A city is lodged by a wide variety of people whose evaluation of the images they form in their mind ...  Read More

Urban Design
Assessment Hierarchy Model of the Relationship between Psychological Adaptation for Achieving Thermal Comfort and Sense of Place in Urban Spaces

elham zabetian

Volume 7, Issue 28 , November 2018, , Pages 79-90

  A public urban space is successful when it attracts the citizens. The climate and thermal comfort conditions are factors affecting the usage pattern of sidewalks in public urban spaces. In general, awareness of sensory information and understanding of their complex process is called perception. Psychological ...  Read More

Urban Design
Evaluating the Design of Akhoond District Center in Qazvin; Improving Security Level, Citing CPTED Approach
Volume 6, Issue 21 , February 2016, , Pages 29-38

  Safety is one of the most fundamental human needs and is a prerequisite for improvement of people’s welfare and health. In Maslow’s  pyramid having safety is placed at the second step meaning that  after physiological needs, safety is the most important need of human being that ...  Read More

Urban Design
Formulating the sidewalk design principles with emphasis on increased Urban Security (Case Study: Golestan Boulevard in Ahwaz)

neda khaziri afravi

Volume 4, Issue 15 , August 2015, , Pages 69-82

  Security is one of the factors improving the quality of urban spaces. Desirable and functional design of constructed space leads to reduction of crime and increase of urban space quality. A secure urban space encourages appropriate activities and limits inappropriate activities; hence, these urban spaces ...  Read More

Urban Design
Comparing the Aesthetic Parameters of Urban Space from the Viewpoint of Children and Adults: the case study of Isfahan

Mina Kashani Hamedani

Volume 4, Issue 14 , May 2015, , Pages 19-30

  Urban space is the context in which the activities and different perception of users take place; but various users such as different age groups have dissimilar perceptions of environment. It seems that the built environment and particularly urban space as the product of work of urban planners, urban ...  Read More

Urban Design
Evaluation criteria affecting the activity of women in urban areas, Case study: 20th Golestan Dist, poonak, Tehran

Azin Hajiahmadi Hamedani; Hamid Majedi; Laala Jahanshahloo

Volume 4, Issue 14 , May 2015, , Pages 47-60

  The main objectives of urban designers is the creation of responsible urban space for all social groups by understanding the qualities and spatial needs in the city to operate in such a way as to promote environmental quality and create a suitable base for urban life. The basic function of the city lies ...  Read More

Urban Design
Lovely city investigated the characteristics of children looked (Case study: the two municipal district of Qazvin)

a k; j s

Volume 3, Issue 9 , February 2014, , Pages 59-68

  Today, with increasing development of small towns and large urban areas lacking desirable urban spaces, compatibility of urban areas with the needs of residents is the focus of experts. Metropolitan areas have a unique role in fulfilling the personal and social needs of children and adolescents. These ...  Read More