ISSN: 2717-4417

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tabriz Islamic Arts University, Tabriz, Iran.


- Any factor that makes residential spaces liveable, also increases the capabilities of its residents.
- The most important and influential dimension in the direction of empowering the residents is the components of the perceptual-meaning dimension of livability (sense of belonging, security, religious beliefs and way of life).
- In terms of economic empowerment, the material criteria of livability have the greatest impact; Also, the functional-activity criteria of livability, two dimensions of economic and social empowerment, and the perceptual-meaning criteria of livability mostly affect the psychological capability of the residents.
- The northern area among other marginal areas of Tabriz city, due to the lowest level of livability, has the lowest level of realization of empowerment components, which should be given special attention.

Informal settlements, as a prominent manifestation of urban poverty, are typically formed within or adjacent to cities. These settlements often lack building permits and official urban development plans. The primary reason for their formation is the inability of people to secure housing in the formal market, compelling them to seek shelter through informal means. This leads to numerous problems. Consequently, various approaches have been proposed globally, particularly in third-world countries, to address the issue of informal settlements.
In contemporary discourse, empowerment is considered the most effective strategy. It aims to enhance the capabilities and improve the living standards of residents while upholding the principles of human dignity and social justice. However, neglecting the environmental qualities and the needs of the residents can cause this strategy to fail. Life unfolds within the context of the environment, and livability addresses the connection between housing and human life, along with its needs, by focusing on the quality of the environment in residential spaces.
Theoretical Framework
This research encompasses two key concepts and variables: viability and empowerment. Researchers have identified various dimensions of the concept of empowerment. Some scholars emphasize the psychological aspects of empowerment, considering elements such as the feeling of competence, the sense of being effective, and the perception of freedom of action as core components of empowerment. In contrast, the social dimension of empowerment has been prominently featured in the theories of many empowerment thinkers, including Sara Longwe (1991), Stromquist (1999), Naila Kabeer (2012), and Hoyt Oliver (2020). These theorists highlight awareness, interaction, and social participation as crucial elements of empowerment. Their theories stress the importance of awareness and the power of connections, interactions, and social partnerships in empowering individuals.
Additionally, the presence of elements such as welfare and access (Longwe), income (Sen, 1999), resources and possessions (Kabeer), and economic ability (Stromquist, 1999) among the components related to empowerment underscores the significance of the economic dimension of empowerment. Therefore, the concept of empowerment encompasses three primary dimensions: economic, social, and psychological.
However, the most critical aspect of empowerment is gaining the power to control and master the forces that affect human life. By acquiring certain abilities, individuals can influence the determining factors of their lives. Life is one of the most fundamental aspects of human existence, and attention to it and the quality factors of residential space can enhance the quality of the environment and the satisfaction of residents.
Based on previous studies and in line with the research's purpose and its relationship with the dimensions of empowerment, the components of livability are categorized into three dimensions: material (economic, physical, environmental), functional-activity, and perceptual-meaning (cultural and psychological). The relationship between each of the three dimensions of empowerment and the dimensions of viability was examined.
The research method is practical based on its objective. In terms of data collection and analysis, it employs a correlational approach and is founded on the structural equation model. The primary tool for data collection is a questionnaire. The statistical population of the study comprises residents from the following neighborhoods: Seilab in the northern zone, Abuzar in the northwestern zone, Zamzam in the southern zone, and Akhmakiyeh in the southwestern zone.
To determine the sample size, a simple random sampling method was utilized. Initially, a pre-test was conducted as a pilot among 35 residents of the aforementioned neighborhoods, and the Cronbach's alpha value was calculated to be 0.744. For estimating the sample size, the formula proposed by Tabachnick and Fidell (M8 + 50 ≥ N) was applied, resulting in an estimated sample size of 150 individuals.
Results and Discussion
The research findings are divided into four parts:

Structural Model Analysis:

The structural model reveals a positive and significant relationship between the variables of empowerment and viability.

Effective Dimensions in Livability:

The most influential dimension in livability is the perceptual-semantic dimension. Within this dimension, the components of sense of belonging to the place and security are the most effective criteria for the livability of residential spaces. Following these are the components of the functional-activity and material dimensions.
The most impactful dimension for empowering residents is the psychological (cognitive) dimension, where the components of meaningfulness and trust are the most significant criteria for empowerment.

Interrelation of Viability and Empowerment Dimensions:

Each dimension and criterion of viability affects not just one, but all dimensions of empowerment. However, by comparing their factors, it becomes evident that each dimension and criterion of livability in residential spaces has a more pronounced effect on one or two dimensions of empowerment.

Comparative Analysis of Informal Zones in Tabriz City:

The degree of fulfillment of the functional-activity dimension components of livability is consistent across all four informal zones of Tabriz city, with a range of 3.33-3.66. This indicates that in all areas, the access to public transportation, employment services, educational, health, sports, and leisure facilities, as well as the level of participation and sociability of the residents, are similar and face the same challenges.
The differences in the vitality of the zones are attributed to variations in the components of the material and perceptual-semantic dimensions.
The northern zone exhibits the lowest level of empowerment, while the southern zone shows the highest level compared to other zones.

By refining the analysis and focusing on the specific dimensions and criteria, the study provides a comprehensive understanding of how various factors contribute to the livability and empowerment of residents in informal zones. This nuanced approach highlights the importance of addressing both perceptual-semantic and material dimensions to enhance the overall quality of life in these areas.
The research results indicate that any factor enhancing the viability of residential spaces concurrently boosts the empowerment of their residents. The most influential aspect in empowering residents is the perceptual-semantic components of livability. This is because everyone's living environment contains elements that affect their activities, and a person's behavior is influenced not only by their inner needs and motivations but also by their living environment. Ignoring the livability capacities, especially the perceptual-semantic components, in planning and intervention measures will pose serious challenges in improving the quality of life and empowering residents.
Thus, in all marginalized areas, strategies should be adopted to realize and strengthen the sense of belonging, security, and attention to the residents' religious beliefs and way of life for their psychological empowerment, which has the most significant impact on their overall empowerment. Among the marginalized areas of Tabriz city, the northern regions exhibit the lowest level of realization of empowerment components due to the lowest level of viability, necessitating special attention.
Regarding economic empowerment, the material criteria of livability have the greatest impact. Additionally, the functional-activity measures of livability significantly influence two dimensions of empowerment: economic and social empowerment, respectively. The perceptual-semantic criteria predominantly affect the psychological empowerment of the residents.


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