ISSN: 2717-4417

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Urban Planning and design, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.



- There are distinct differences in the degree of place attachment across the scales of home, neighbourhood, and city.
- Place attachment is strongest at the scale of the home, followed by the city, and lastly, the neighbourhood.
- The factors shaping place attachment are tangible and objective at the scale of the home, intangible and subjective at the scale of the city, and a combination of both at the neighbourhood scale.
Place attachment is an important concept for evaluating the spatial quality of environments, particularly due to its psychological dimension and its strong relationship to the broader concept of sense of place in urban spaces. While the subject has been extensively studied in various fields related to place, less attention has been given to how the scale of place—whether it is the home, neighbourhood, or city—affects the development of this attachment. This study aims to identify and explore the key factors influencing place attachment across these three scales. By understanding the differences in place attachment at varying levels, this research will contribute to a more nuanced approach in urban studies, planning, and design.
Theoretical Framework:
Recent models of place attachment emphasize that, in addition to personal and locational characteristics, both social and physical factors play a vital role in shaping the sense of attachment. The key factors influencing place attachment can be summarized as follows:

Physical Characteristics of a Place: These include elements that range from the smaller scale of the home and neighbourhood to larger urban and national contexts. This includes aspects such as housing satisfaction, the availability and efficiency of services, architectural and aesthetic values, and the sense of safety.
Individual Characteristics: Factors such as age, gender, socioeconomic status, marital status, homeownership, personal values, and community beliefs all significantly impact place attachment. Furthermore, experiences, memories, cultural background, and religion contribute to this connection.
Duration of Interaction with a Place: Research indicates that place attachment is a gradual process. Altman associates a stronger attachment with longer periods of residence, as this tends to result in the formation of deeper relationships and connections with the local community.
Social Characteristics: The development of place attachment also requires meaningful, long-term engagement and participation within the community. Social participation is seen as one of the strongest drivers of emotional attachment to a place, fostering a sense of security and belonging.

This research adopts a qualitative approach, utilizing in-depth interviews to explore the factors influencing place attachment across three scales—home, neighbourhood, and city. The interviews were conducted in six different neighbourhoods in Tehran, which were selected using a cluster sampling method. Two neighbourhoods were chosen from privileged areas (Darband and Jamaran), two from middle-income areas (Tarasht and West Tehran-Pars), and two from low-income areas (Bolur-Sazi and 13th Aban). The interviews were carried out until theoretical saturation was achieved, with a total of 66 interviews (27 men and 39 women) conducted. Each neighbourhood was represented by 11 interviews. The selected participants were individuals over the age of 25 who had lived in the same neighbourhood for at least five years.
Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Key concepts related to place attachment were extracted and categorized into factors influencing attachment at the scales of home, neighbourhood, and city.
Results and Discussion:
At the home scale, four major categories were identified:
- Housing structure
- Social belonging
- Environmental efficiency
- Semantic belonging
At the neighbourhood scale, the factors influencing place attachment included:
- Neighbourhood efficiency
- Sense of belonging
- Social capital
- Institutional-cognitive values
At the city scale, four categories emerged:
- Vitality
- Accessibility and efficiency
- Social dependence
- Perceptual-semantic value
The research revealed significant differences in place attachment across these scales. Place attachment is notably strongest at the home scale, followed by the city, with attachment to the neighbourhood being comparatively weaker. However, this does not minimize the importance of the neighbourhood in shaping place attachment. Further analysis showed that individuals with low attachment to their neighbourhood generally exhibited weak attachment to both the city and their home. This suggests that a certain minimum level of neighbourhood attachment is necessary for the formation of a more comprehensive sense of place attachment.
Moreover, the study highlighted differences in the nature of the factors influencing attachment at each scale. At the home level, factors are primarily tangible and objective—such as the physical structure of the house, its functionality, and the immediate social environment. In contrast, at the city scale, factors are more intangible and subjective, involving perceptions of the city's vitality, accessibility, and social dynamics. The neighbourhood scale represented a blend of both objective and subjective factors, reflecting its intermediary role in individuals' experiences of place.
The findings of this research underscore the complexity of place attachment and its variation across different scales of place. While the home scale fosters the strongest attachment, followed by the city, the neighbourhood still plays a crucial role in shaping individuals' overall place attachment. The neighbourhood can act as a source of identity and attachment, although it requires further exploration to fully understand its dynamic relationship with other scales. Additionally, the concrete and objective factors that influence attachment at the home scale are contrasted with the more intangible, subjective elements at the city scale, while the neighbourhood embodies a hybrid of these characteristics. This nuanced understanding of place attachment and its relation to the scale of place offers valuable insights for urban planning and design, particularly in fostering environments that strengthen place attachment across all levels of urban life.


Main Subjects

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